Music publishing companies notched another court victory against a broadband provider that refused to terminate the accounts of Internet users accused of piracy. In a ruling on Wednesday, the conservative-leaning US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit sided with the big three record labels against Grande Communications, a subsidiary of Astound Broadband.
The appeals court ordered a new trial on damages because it said the $46.8 million award was too high, but affirmed the lower court’s finding that Grande is liable for contributory copyright infringement.
Exactly what law states internet connections should be terminated for users accused of piracy?
And are we going to selectively enforce this against poor people, or are they going to start demanding the trunk lines feeding AI datacenters be cut as well? (I asked rhetorically).
AI shouldn’t be allowed to touch the internet because it’s basically stealing everything and never giving references which is plagiarism.
Come on, you don’t think an industry that habitually uses automated takedown requests regardless of merit would falsely accuse anyone, do you?
Might be a good idea to torrent whatever you need before the corpos manage to get some law passed that makes it so that isps will have to terminate users for that.
Need a new internet protocol that doesnt use ISPs
You want a protocol that will build physical last-mile connections to peoples’ houses?
I just woke up everyone in my house with a giggle fit thanks to you. Yes weed is involved.
That was amazing.
What about avian carriers?
Well the birds still have to link to the main network somewhere to exchange packets… which I assume would still be an ISP, unless all you want is local mesh networking.
what point are you trying to make?
It can cover a one-kilometer radius
So most of the last mile.
If we try to have cable or telcos do last-mile they’ll fuck us as hard as they possibly can, make laws guaranteeing themselves a permanent monopoly, etc.
We need wireless as a backup just to keep those worthless fuckers honest, then we can do a hybrid model with some scattered fiber ONTs terminating into wifi nodes.
What we really need is to string fiber on the power lines, but the telcos and comcast pay the power companies extra to stop that too.
Break the monopoly power and this all comes tumbling down.
“And then we can do a hybrid model” congratulations you just invented an ISP.
“Then we’ll string wires on poles” congratulations you just invented an ISP again.
Someone will still have to install and maintain the wireless access points, physically link them to the local network trunk and negotiate for service with the backbone provider… which would just be an ISP, who would sell you access to the WiFi system like a cellular provider.
This isn’t a problem that can be solved with technology. Monopolies have to be fixed with government oversight.
I second this. Anyone know the code reference?
Asking the real question.
I suppose this means that if someone tells USPS that a burned DVD of The Bee Movie has been mailed to me, USPS should stop delivering any mail to me?
That is one way to stop junk mail…
Sign me up!
The entire Bee movie in gif form:
Thanks, I was just banned from viewing gifs.
Service termination based on accusation alone? What a great legal invention. Im sure it won’t ever be abused
Time to start accusing the judges for shit.
See how they like it.
The Fifth Circuit is fascist. They don’t give a fuck what you accuse them of, cause they have no shame.
Oh. It’s not shame. It’s annoying them with loss of internet privileges.
They’ll care because it inconveniences them while sending each other their pedo-porn stash.
Send false notices to the business accounts of the law firms involved in this.
DMCA the fuck out of every media company.
Accuse them of piracy.
Is it true? Who gives a fuck.
Terminate their accounts.
Also the judges. This way they can’t browse all their CP without fixing their fuck ups
No, you see courts only apply this precedent when it can hurt poor people.
Exactly my thoughts! Who’s the ISP for the RIAA?
Well… they do hang out in the public torrents of movies, games, shows, etc.
That’s how they get IP addresses and have their bots send DMCA notices.
5th circuit is pure cancer.
If they were a real circuit they could withstand 10,000 volts.
All circuits are bastards.
Cool. Did any AI company pay for all their copywritten material? Surely OpenAI shouldn’t have access to the internet anymore.
(Sorry, pet peeve.)
Took me too long to realise that it does not come from “write”, but “right”
That could be a fun kind of ddos attack for a botnet - compromise your competitors’ machines and download collective TBs of infringing material, then report it as an anonymous whistleblower!
actually you dont even have to download shit, just appear on the fucking ip leech list, leech that shit yourself, and then fucking spam them to the ISP and music industry. See how long it takes them to respond lmao
God damn it, right in the middle of me downloading a car.
I think that’s legal if it’s a PT Cruiser
That was one of the station cars at one of the TV stations where I worked because the station manager rented one at some conference and decided it was awesome.
What a piece of shit car.
Sorry, your comment triggered a memory that i wanted to share for some reason.
He’s got an excellently huge Martian butt.
And that’s why internet HAS to be basic human right.
This is some bullshit.
I thought everyone is innocent until proven guilty?
ISPs aren’t a court of law, and neither are the assholes going after the pirates.
In fact, the reality is they can’t go after them in a court of law because they don’t have enough evidence for it. Which is exactly why they want to be allowed to go all extra-judicial.
Did you really?
I’m working on a decentralised sharing protocol, which means nobody would know what people are doing in the first place (except if they compromise your pc ofc).
It’s in its early stages but has a fully functional implementation.
You can check it out, how it functions, how to install and use it etc here :
Any feedback greatly appreciated!
The fifth circuit can die in a fire. It’d be a great preview of hell, too.
Good fuckin luck with that. You’re just gonna have people adopting more obfuscated piracy methods.
At this point it’s just the n00bs. Everyone who knows shit about shit isn’t going to be caught in one of these dragnets
Get letter from crapcast about downloading copyrighted material. Next search: ‘how to torrent without isp knowing’
That is the end of democracy
I only read the headline, but I don’t wanna die because some bands make it impossible to buy their music on shitty, poorly designed websites.
No, they want that one