Should make deepfakes where he sounds sane and rational while pushing policy issues on the left. Get the MAGAts unintentionally supporting those things solely because their “daddy” said something good about it. Then wrestle with the confusion about supporting left leaning policy or admitting they just buy in to whatever trump says no matter what.
The point of the article is that they seem to be preparing for a really damning video that they will then claim is a deepfake.
Supposedly there is a video of him groping a minor at some event that they’re going to release. "Can’t wait " for that one… Of course no one will believe it because reality died a long time ago.
I’ll be curious to see all the “tells” they manufacture to insist it’s AI.
They won’t ever see it because the talking heads that control their thoughts won’t show them
Him dropping the N-bomb on the apprentice. I’m guessing they want to make this like the access Hollywood “grab em by the pussy” but drop it closer to election day
The speculation is either that or the piss tape.
I swear that neither would lose him a single goddamn vote.
Assuming there is a piss tape, I don’t think it will see the light of day unless he really manages to disappoint daddy Putin. Maybe if he loses the election, but I sort of feel like there wouldn’t be much point in that case.
I thought it’s the video of him groping an intern that we’ve been hearing about for the last 24 hours or so
Wouldn’t matter what he said. As long as Fuckface 45 says it, they’ll vote for him.
I love this. But no.
Because they are the ones using them so they know they’re a real threat.
Projection at its finest.
Deepfakes would be the best thing that ever happened to trump. He could say the most heinous, ridiculous shit on tape and his supporters can just deny it as a deepfake.
“Bertha, you were there at the rally when he said it!”
“Yeah well Kamala controls the weather so obviously she was controlling his mouth too!”
Ugh, I’m having flashbacks of when Trump was on Oprah and he said if he was gonna run for president he would run as a Republican because their voters are the dumbest ones. That shit got wiped from the internet and Trump supporters claim it’s the Mandela effect.
My one right wing friend tried to claim that too, and me and my other two buddies were like “dude you watched it WITH us.” He even made a Facebook status about it after we watched it. We are reminded of it every year in our Facebook memories. And he STILL claims it never existed.
So I’m trying to search for that clip and I can’t find one. It’s been debunked by Reuters in 2020. Do you have anything besides your memory?
“He was a guest on the February 7, 2011 show”
Surely BTN or some other torrent tracker has that episode. I’ll look it up after work and report back.
Yeah the episode exists, it’s linked in the debunk article by Reuters. He talks about running, does not say anything like the quote, that has been debunked many times.
So if you find it let us know. I’m sufficiently convinced he did not say that (in a recording)
I mean I have the Facebook post with the clip that we all posted and talked about that shows up in our Facebook memories every year. The clip has been removed from YouTube though, and the debunking sites all seem to reference some article that has nothing to do with the clip. I wish I had downloaded the video, but I had no idea it was going to get so thoroughly scrubbed, or even that it COULD be. The replies and comments on our Facebook all talk about the quote directly.
He already says the most heinous ridiculous shit and his supporters don’t care
I think they’ve already pulled that one a few times.
I don’t think it will be a bad thing if there are deepfakes of him conceding after he loses the election
It is all fun and games until it effects you.
I feel like a good chunk of people have known about Trump’s alter ego Fred Sassy
Tese are the types of people who think Sandy Hook was a hoax.