The honest problem is that the hyper-wealthy just don’t go outside or do anything meaningful. They are in climate controlled buildings and vehicles 24/7. They don’t cook. They don’t feel price fluctuations in goods. Their home(s) are numerous and in the best areas, but even that is moot, as they are rarely at home. They travel and work constantly, and are never subjected to anything but the finest accomodations. Their world is very controlled, and orderly, and pleasant. They literally live in a different reality. They don’t get it. And yet, they control the environment us regular people live in/are subjected to. Our struggles are trivia to them. Mere inconveniences. We’re just obstacles in their way. Our displeasure is just a “notification” to clear. Whatever they can do to shut us up, or get us off their case, they do that. Right and wrong be damned. The future be damned. By the time it effects them directly and they are forced to deal with consequences, our corpses will be components of massive burning heaps.
I don’t care who burns 'em. So long as they’re burnt.