A Pennsylvania woman whose absentee ballot was returned to her instead of being counted said she flew from Berlin back to her home state to vote in person.
This is the sort of thing that the Medal of Freedom should be given out for.
Yeah. Modern air travel is fucking awful.
bs, she caused massive CO2 emissions while hallucinating that one vote would change something. that’s particularly absurd with the US voting system.
I mean, people…this comment is true. Yes, “every vote counts” in that the more people that show up, the higher the vote count is. But one vote will not sway the election. It will irreversibly harm the climate though. If every single person had this attitude, the story wouldn’t be news, but if this were everyone’s attitude, it would make a difference. I don’t remember the philosopher that theorized the whole “act in a way that you would want made into law for everyone to act in that same way” thing—but what’s worse, everyone expending tonnes of co2 as law or one vote going uncounted?
Looks like I’m going to be buying a one way ticket to Berlin soon. These numbers are horrifying. I’m not surprised. Rural America has a massive education problem. I’ve gotten shit for it before, but I’ll say it again. Polls don’t pick up on the silent taboo fears of rural Americans. Poor education breeds ignorance, ignorance fear, and fear allows for manipulation. It’s a ton of sexism and racism.
There’s a term for people pretending they’re not racist in polls, but then being racist in the actual election. I forget the name. It’s [black candidate who lost election] effect, but searching for it isn’t getting me it.
I don’t know if that’s what happened this election or not, or if it was even real then, but it certainly could be. Racism/sexism certainly didn’t help Harris.
Harris effect?
No, it’s pretty old. Maybe the combination of sexism and racism effecting polls/actual results can be called that.
Better be real soon. You’ll need a Visa to travel to the EU starting in 2025 - just passport won’t work anymore. EU was preparing for this scenario for years, expecting a huge wave of American immigration after a Trump win.
Honestly, that would be really nice, We also have a growing Problem with our far-rights and could really use some more open-minded People over here, but I can also totally understand when people don’t want to come here anymore because of that .__. The AFD, their Nazi fellowship and the constant corruption from the established Parties is ruining my beloved democratic Germany. 💔
At least right now, our checks and balances still work. And they are a lot harder to break down than in the U.S., but the writing is on the wall here as well. I guess we, people who lean more center or left, are going to have to find different ways to combat all that batshit crazy stuff going on in the U.S. that maybe even ended the world as we know it… The Grundgesetz is also a bit more modern than the Constitution, meaning it has more safety features…
almost all of it can be attributed to home schooling, where the parents ideology has front and center stage for young minds indoctrination. yeah ive heard all about the indoctrinations of public schools. i went through public school and didnt absorb enough of it to fill a thimble because my single parent didnt push it.
yeah sure, everybody come to Berlin, there’s enough infrastructure for futher 4 million people. and then tell us about about cultural genocide in a tourist coulisse that expats find authenticity in that while i can’t form an authentic memory anymore of it to be a city by its people. unfortunately all the well-educated older germans that thived in the last century are gone now, so you can’t test your theory about education.
How the hell did she get a round-trip ticket from Germany to the United States for $1100? Did she have to ride in the luggage compartment?
It’s pretty inexpensive this time of year because Germany is cold as balls. My mom and I took a 9 day trip there in the winter a few years back for 2k each, including hotels.
Have you ever purchased a flight to/from Germany to/from US? It’s not that expensive, especially in the off season
It’s not that expensive to fly to Germany from the US (or vice versa), especially from the East Coast.
I guess Germany isn’t really a tourist destination for most people.
Its also not a tourist season of the year at the moment.
That’s not the reason lmao, also it was a return flight in the opposite direction so the US would be the “destination”
Your critique makes no sense
And unfortunately for nothing…
Welp thats 1.1k down the drain for nothing
She knows she tried. She can live with her conscience. There are people who are going to end up troubled by theirs.
No they won’t.
When the policies Republicans vote for eat their face, and there are innumerable examples, it’s always “Why would the Demonrats do this?!”
Even the smartest of their idiotic, ignorant asses go a half step further by acknowledging that a Republican policy, or revocation of any policy thereof(deregulation), hurt them, but only because the filthy libruls tricked them into doing it by holding the opposite position on said policy, clearly making it their fault because duuuuuuuuuhhhhh.
And the defining characteristic of any conservative is to take joy/schaudenfreude in others being hurt, so no, they’ll never look at the people, the children, they’ve condemned and do anything but laugh, even when it’s other conservatives, as they eat themselves when they lack an “other” to fight. It only stops being funny when it happens to them or their immediate, nuclear family.
Gotta spend that co2 on something.
Like one vote ever mattered. /s
I hope she’s rich, because that would suck.
I always assumed you could vote at an embassy; TIL
States don’t have embassies, and the Feds have nothing to do with the ballots (except for the USPS transporting them).
What do Americans who don’t live in a Us state do?
They vote by absentee ballot in the last state they used to live in.
Unless they moved from a state to Puerto Rico (or other US territory?), in which case they don’t get to vote for President anymore.
I didnt vote. I went to the embassy and the guards nearly attacked me. I asked about voting and they made me wait outside for half an hour, then gave me a business card for a generic website that was useless.
They want you to vote by mail, but I don’t live in a country like Germany. If I sent something over snail mail, there’s a 99.9% chance it wouldn’t get delivered.
Meanwhile Canadians vote online. The US isn’t a democracy.
I can barely get my wife to go across the street to vote.
I hope the airline bumps her up to business or first class on the way back
Bold move Cotton, let’s see how that plays out.