I mean, people care that the user experience goes downhill after he takes over. The only people claiming Twitter isn’t hot garbage are the ones who actively like him.
I mean, people care that the user experience goes downhill after he takes over. The only people claiming Twitter isn’t hot garbage are the ones who actively like him.
It’s less about people’s personal feelings about him and more that he turns everything he touches into a pile of shit that only a fanboy could love.
Well, that’s one way to get people to stop using it, I guess.
I feel like the next headline is going to be, “AI-Assisted Rifle Robot Shoots Hobbyist by Mistake.”
Cool cool cool. Target (at least in CO) sells Taylor Farms salad kits and I was annoyed that they discontinued the one I liked. Guess it was a blessing in disguise.
Is there like, prep time? Or do you just have to decide and make it happen on the spot?
Well yeah, when the Gisele Pelicot case started, everyone should’ve expected this. Her piece of shit husband was on forums like that and had no problem finding dozens of men to rape his wife while she was drugged. I’m furious but I’m also so tired. At least I wouldn’t have to worry that I’d trusted the bear and built a life with the bear and the bear was secretly raping me and sharing it on the goddamn internet.
Right? “I’ve been banned from enough communities on different topics that I can’t keep track! Could it be that I’m an asshat? No, it’s definitely the mods…”
What state do you live in? I used to take unemployment claims and there was no requirement to file the initial claim by a specific date (though I’m sure there would eventually be a cutoff). The hard deadlines were once the claim was filled because claimants have to go in weekly and certify that they’re still unemployed and actively looking for work. It’s possible you can still apply, and layoffs tend to be processed faster. I’d strongly recommend trying. The worst they can say is no.
Also, I realize your situation really sucks, and I don’t want to downplay that at all, but I wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of your expectation that you’ll be rejected is coming through in interviews. Interviews are at least part about how good your acting skills are, which is ass, but also reality. I have often crippling depression and anxiety, but I’m great at faking positive and confident, and I’ve been offered most of the jobs I’ve interviewed for in my life. Not because I’m always the most educated or experienced candidate, but because I seem like I’ll be tolerable to work with.
Oh and lie if you’re overqualified - say you’re looking to take a step back because you want to go back to school or something. Stupid but people respond better to that than the idea that we want to pay our bills and a job is a job.
The only thing I disagree with is that he finds being president stressful. He’s both incredibly stupid and lazy, so I don’t think he really even gives a shit about what his staff is doing as long as they keep jerking off his ego and don’t interrupt his golf and McDonald’s time. He’s likely not even aware of most of it, except whatever gets fed to him to post on social media.
He’s black, so I pretty much always worry about that. I just hoped the attempted murder of it all would warrant literally any response from them, but obviously that was stupid of me.
This is shocking. I mean the part where Seattle PD actually did something for once. My friend’s son was stabbed in the chest in downtown Seattle and he had the guy’s facebook page and info about his car and they pretty much said, “huh, that’s a shame.”
Yeah but he also doesn’t give a single fuck about any of these people.
It’s pretty inexpensive this time of year because Germany is cold as balls. My mom and I took a 9 day trip there in the winter a few years back for 2k each, including hotels.
Unfortunately, I can confirm that it is possible because you can’t actually bleach something like that from your brain once you see it. Really it was just the skin that he’d stretched way out but still.
Didn’t he also eat cereal with pee instead of milk and take a picture of himself stepping on his own nutsack? I feel like this dude is just forcing his gross fetishes on people left and right.
The secret ingredient was crime.
We can’t really do that, at least not where I am. Denying a request has to be based on it being information that we genuinely can’t release to anyone, we can’t just determine we’re not releasing something because the requestor is a pain in the ass. We also can’t charge people unless it takes more than 2 hours of time per request - depending on how the requests are split up, they may not meet that time. I don’t know how FOIA fees work, so maybe it’s different, but I also doubt fees will put the very- well-funded Heritage Foundation off too much.
“Fun” fact, criminal justice records are often subject to different rules than other records. In CO, we have 3 days to respond, or up to 10 if the request is so large that it needs an extension. The police, on the other hand, seem to just fart around forever. FOIA has a longer response time, but I’m guessing most federal agencies don’t get the leeway cops do, so getting a ton of these malicious requests back to back is a real pain in the dick. Speaking from experience, I’m glad I’m not the one dealing with these assholes.
No, they used to be more or less good - they all had slightly different vibes instead of being the exact same thing with different fonts. Okcupid used to publish a lot of fun data and was kind of a middle ground, Match was known for being for more “serious” daters, and plenty of fish tended to be a little trashier - not that there wasn’t plenty of overlap, that was just kind of the reputations they had. You could pay for things but you could also do just fine with free accounts, and the ads focused on how many people had had success with them.
Now they’re all owned by the same company and it shows, and they’ve decided dumbing the experience down to the most superficial stuff and letting bots and people advertising OF or their MLMs take over is fine. I don’t think any of them are worth the time they take to download at this point.