Just as Germany industry chiefs were perfectly happy with Hitler coming to power, current megabros are perfectly happy with fascism taking root in USA.
The next few years are gonna be hard and suck a lot, the fight back will not be an easy one but it’s a necessary one. May the force be with you, sisters and brothers!
Side question (not a native english speaker): does english have a gender neutral word for sisters/brothers?
Others have pointed out siblings, but it’s also worth noting that, in the context of your comment, sisters and brothers is more correct. Sibling is more clinical and might be used in a description like “I have 3 siblings, 2 brothers and 1 sister”. When you are addressing a group, the more familiar brothers and sisters is appropriate. “May the force be with you, siblings” would be very weird.
This is true and specifically for sentence in question. It’s almost correct already (and I would argue an acceptable use). We’d just colloquially order it the other way round. “Brothers and Sisters”. Let’s not go down the rabbit hole of potentially why that may be and pretend it’s just alphabetical order…
Comrades fit better in this phrase but it makes you sound like a communist which is either a positive or negative depending on who you’re saying it to.
Yes, you really need to make “communist” a positive thing again, finally.
Family works.
Capitalism and fascism are tightly interlinked with each other. End stage unregulated capitalism is just fascism.
Capitalism has absolutely nothing to do with democracy, and in fact is a very poor indicator of democracy.
So this checks out.
Your brothers and sisters are your siblings, but sibling is not a very affectionate word so I think most folks would say “brothers and sisters”, “compatriots” or “friends”.
The fight ahead is going to be a slog, but hopefully we can find solidarity, build a bigger tent, and unite under a banner of kinship and kindness.
For surely if we do not hang together we will hang separately.
Not especially in that context, I would say the closest thing I use is “friends”.
‘Sisters and brothers’ rock!
This was definitely a “kiss the ring” moment filled with veiled threats of dismantling zucks business under the new mob boss. I bet elon is actually the one who called the shots leading up to this, effectively making elon the real president and now cracking whips at other tech bros in his stratosphere.
This would be an interesting behind the scenes fight because I can’t see other billionaires just letting musk dictate to them what they will and won’t do.
Zuckerberg will defend Meta and Facebook looooooong before he’ll defend America.
Electric boot polisher
“Come to my party or I’ll fucking arrest you”
Hopefully Zuckershit has some sudden realization about the world and starts fighting trump. I’m not holding my breath
His realisation will go as follows: “Man, this guy is easy to bribe!”
Yep; he won’t. Can’t wait to see if his kids go full fascist or hate him. At least while I’m dying, I’ll get some closure.
I’m still holding out hope that Barron Trump will turn on him.
Have you seen photos of the little dweeb lately? He dresses like a little clone of his Dad. I doubt the apple is going to fall far from the tree even if Donnie himself had little to nothing to do with his rearing.
I just want the entire Trump clan to disappear when this is all over. Mary Trump can stay, I guess, just because of how based she is.
Still, he’s a kid. And he can’t exactly run away. His options at this point are to blend in and keep his head down. We’ll see if he takes some kind of political position.
He just wants a piece of the action and doesn’t mind grovelling to get it.
I hope someday someone gives zucc what he deserves
a cabinet level position in government?
Real ID meets ID.me in an all new Meta-Me! You can now sign in an wait in line for the Meta-DMV and Meta-SocialServices. In the olden times there were petty systems like reserving a time and showing up, now we’ve done away with such nonsense, you can show up and wait in line to talk to our new MetAI-DMV specialist.
“I’m sorry, I don’t believe you have filled out the correct form, check our FAQ’s for further assistance, goodbye!” Chat has ended
He ain’t the type. Bro just wants to run his ant farm in peace. He doesn’t even care if the land Meta sits on is America. He’s Metish first. American second.
He’s going to tip toe around every rule Trump needs and play nice until he doesn’t have to. He’s in full-on defense mode.
“And Mark Zuckerberg has been very clear about his desire to be a supporter of, and a participate pant in, this change that we’re seeing all around America, all around the world with this reform movement that Donald Trump is leading. Mark Zuckerberg, like so many business leaders, understands that President Trump is an agent of change, an agent of prosperity.”
As recently as June at the Allen and Company conference — the “summer camp for billionaires” in Sun Valley, Idaho — Mr. Zuckerberg complained to multiple people about the blowback to Meta that came from the more politically touchy aspects of his philanthropic efforts. And he regretted hiring employees at his philanthropy who tried to push him further to the left on some causes.
In other words, they were telling him about things that he could do with his money that might go to making the world a better place rather than wherever his whims took him. Damn liberal commies.
and a participate pant
Typical autocorrect, the author of the article clearly meant “and drop his pants”
Guys, let’s give Zuck the benefit of the doubt, shall we? For all we know, this could just be the cage fight venue, where he’s going to face off against Musk.
Folks are so quick to judge these days smh…
… and it’s not really a cage as much as one of those inflatable pools filled with grease.
The last one to beat the other off gets the punishment of grossly increasing their wealth to a slightly lesser extent than the other.
They’re all an evil alien syndicate crime family ala Doctor Who
He’ll be fine. He bent the knee, that’s what matters most to Trump.
Must go to master’s dungeon to take my whippings. I shall let master know this won’t happen again.
He is threatening him for theater. Obviously rich people have an incentive to work together.