In another thread, I read a user’s comment about how the lemmy experience has got progressively worse over the past few months, with a lot more trash content making it to their front page.
Is this your experience? How was lemmy when you joined and how do you think it’s changed?
It’s gotten better. A lot. More people means more content. Sure, I have to curate it a bit, but overall it’s better.
Completely agreed! Communities are getting stronger, consolidating repeats across instances, and providing helpful comments.
The other day I was going to post a link in a community, and then checked to see- it had already been posted! Brought a tear to my eye 🥹
Content is improving but the apps well! I’m currently using Voyager (wefwef) and it’s a lot better than when I started using it (around the great Reddit exodus).
The dev said they’d be scaling down support but it’s fine for now and even if it starts lagging behind for some reason there’s a couple of great alternatives as well (Avelon works very well for example).
Its my first day here. I’m having a good time. Thanks for asking.
Welcome to the party!
Except Starfleet is
Thanks. Feels good to be here. I know some people have mixed experiences but it really is neat seeing the fediverse come to life.
Being able to browse other federated sites from one app is cool as fuck too.
Yeah, it’s really cool. I’m way more active on Lemmy than I was on Reddit, and I keep thinking of a post made by I’ve seen some people talking about stuff that is not OK/mixed experiences (see the whole thing about that happened TODAY here), but I’ve just kept myself in areas which are full of great people (coincidentally is one of those cool people).
The federated app thing is super cool tho lol is pretty much a Lemmy celebrity at this point
D’aww, you guys
Scruffy believes in this platform
I decided to create a few threads after a few months hiatus and was surprised by the levels of engagement. I think the audience is hungry for content and that more people need to take the plunge and start threads.
With that said, going to /all instead of /subscribed is largely frustrating since the most frequent posts are just memes and inside jokes
The trick is to block all meme communities
A big part of this is the ranking algorithm. It doesn’t scale based on the size of the community so the large meme communities pretty much exclusively rise to the top. There’s a fix in the works I believe but I’m not sure where on the roadmap it is.
Scaled sort will be in 0.19.0, so probably in the next month, maybe 2 months
Mine’s gotten better, but it’s taken some curation to get there.
Since I joined Lemmy during the Reddit meltdown, the amount of quality content has steadily risen. I run a small instance (~25 users), so my “all” feed isn’t a deluge of everything under the sun. I also instance ban bot accounts which reduces a lot of the crap (reposts, spammy comments, etc).
Looking for new members? ;)
Hello fellow small instance admin.
I have a few hundred users but I’m pretty sure closer to 25 actually active lol
where is the line at being small? just passed 1k users :)
I thought All included posts from all instances in the Fediverse and that Local only showed posts originating in your local instance’s communities. Is that incorrect?
I believe all only shows the magazines or subs or whatever that have been synced to local. on a large instance, that will be plenty but in a small instance you’ll have to sign up and then everyone in the instance will see that sub in all.
It’s hard to avoid the US politics. Worse than reddit in that regard, it is giving me flashbacks to 2008 Digg where every second thing on the front page was about Obama and Ron Paul.
I’m having no issues avoiding American politics. When I started Lemmy I just used all and blocked any communities that put out stuff I didn’t want to see, politics, furry porn etc now my all feed is pretty well curated, my experience with 12 years on Reddit was not the same I couldn’t avoid the American politics, as people posted them in subs where they had no business being.
I had to blacklist words like “trump” on reddit, it was too much.
Well thats gonna be the case for as long as lemmy is mostly populated by renegade reddit users, no? Gotta have a larger userbase to provide a more varied degree of content
Yeah for sure, we have a lot of growing ahead of us before Lemmy truly establishes its own culture.
I would say that my personal experience has been that there is a significantly higher proportion of non-American Lemmings, as opposed to redditors. Like if reddit is 50% American, my feeling is that Lemmy is closer to 30% American. You can even tell when the Europeans wake up and are active, because they comprise such a large portion of the userbase.
It’s hard for me to assess if that is reflected in the political content, because I always mostly ignored communities of that type, both on reddit and here.
I find it’s kind of a mixed bag. A bunch of communities I joined a few months ago are now just bot posts and boring but a bunch of newer communities I’ve joined are way better than reddit was.
Gotten better and better over time.
I’ve learned to always have a backup account on another instance and that’s decreased my downtime to almost zero.
I prefer the content here to Reddit, as Reddit seems to just be clickbait these days.
My favorite thing here is the community. Much less likely to encounter an asshole and even when people disagree, they seem to argue in good faith. Love the Lemmy/knib community feel.
man I loved Ragnarok Online lol, me and my friend spent a lot of time in that game, I don’t even know what made it so good I guess just the vibes
Always enjoy meeting another fan! We really should get a community together here on Lemmy. There’s dozens of us! Dozens!
Real talk: Original iRO were some of the best gaming times of my life. I loved the grind.
I haven’t seen the experience getting worse. I am amazed by the amount of shitposting subs in the all feed but it’s not a lot of effort to scroll past them.
One thing i have noticed is that folks have lost their welcoming demeanor from the initial migration and a lot more argumentative or fringe communities are highly ranked on the all feed. And users who comment something that isn’t 100% behind the prevailing belief on Lemmy will get piled on the same as Reddit. I was hoping that Lemmy would be more open to all sorts of discourse but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
FuckCars or antiwork don’t bother me, but they aren’t the kind of topics that someone who is coming from a middle of the road perspective are going to appreciate. Even more so for the full on communist communities on or others.
I think these communities deserve their voice and don’t have a problem with them hitting the all feed, I just wish they were a little less aggressive with labeling other people as trolls and downvoting or insulting them when on other instances and communities
It was more open 4 months ago before all the weirdos joined and decided to downvote everyone who says something that upsets them. And there is A LOT that upsets these people. Anything except memes.
Seems to me that an entire generation has decided they are keyboard warriors and they are fighting with their downvote buttons.
But downvotes doesn’t matter here. Still, I try to not post something they they will be upset by. But it’s still ridiculous.
I’ve seen fewer and fewer commies and more people making fun of commies, so it seems like it’s headed the right direction
It’s great. It’s fun to try to grow communities.
I even like finding similar communities being scattered around the fediverse. Not being centrally owned by anyone (including a single instance) is what makes this different from reddit.
Mostly stable. A few communities go strong, many more remain silent.
Bots though. There are a bunch of bots merely reposting links to other platforms like reddit, and it’s so annoying. Their posts sit at +0 votes, 0 comments, and clutter communities and All feed. I’m mostly talking about and If anyone knows for what they are good, if anyone likes something about their existence, please enlighten me. From my point of view, they’re like a (maybe) opt-out newsletter for which you were never asked if you want to receive it. And apparently people are working to make more bots and create more bot instances to mirror more non-interactive reddit posts into Lemmy. I think that’s a terrible development for existing users, and severely off-putting for newcomers.
I also learned over the past months how tankies can be bending the truth and be quick with their banhammer. It’s a bit eerie to see them create alternate realities shielded from outside opinions, how all that works technically with de-/federation, various versions of comment sections, and so on.
I wish I could upvote tits twice
Think your autocorrect has stitched you up there mate!
I meant what I said! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The only thing I like the lemmit bot for is to aggregate some news links for me, as well as random TIL. Any of the lemmit bot communities that just link to reddit are an absolute waste of my time, and I block them. But I honestly don’t see them too much
A lot more weird people now. I already miss the initial experience of a small crowd of tech people. Now it’s mostly memes, because you can’t have a good discussion on Lemmy without someone getting their perception bubble popped. I’ve been called a racist, a hater, homophobe, etc.
So of course all discussions are like “oh nice meme”.
If you’re being called racist or homophobic by multiple people multiple times…you might be.
Wow, I hope you don’t live by that advice yourself. People on social media type all kinds of crazy things. :)
Depends. There are plenty of being using “racists” wrong, particularly meaning reverse racism or not understanding systemic racism. But it depends on what you’re saying to be called those things.
Yeah I agree it depends, that’s true.
Or it’s people trying to muddy the water to both-sides something. I’ve been noticing an uptick of posts from the far-right crowd creeping out of the woodwork recently, and they’re all up in arms about people saying US Conservatives are intolerant.
Being told not to be an asshole to others isn’t intolerance. It is the intolerance of intolerance - which is a necessary part of a tolerant society.
See: The Paradox of Intolerance (which the far right nuts call the new Mein Kamp. Gross).
Yea, the one I see the most is calling something racist when it’s in any way excludes white men. It may be a far-right tactic muddying the waters, but often it’s just naivety. I fell into that trap early in my life too. Difference was I never stopped learning. The things that seemed bad on the surface became a lot clearly once my curiosity forced me to figure out how and why those things started. Turns out, and I don’t want to blow anyone’s minds here, just about everything has a backstory and a really good reason for it. Shocker I know. Doesn’t mean it all ended up working as intended or anything, and some things are truly nefarious, but ultimately glossing over the history is what leads people to these bad takes.
Interestingly I’ve had quite a few negative bombed comments on Lemmy that were nothing burgers saying really plain stuff.
Weirdly I’ve had the complete opposite experience on the other platform. Comments that were also nothing burgers saying really plain stuff too.
It’s been mixed for me.
Negatives: rise in bot reposts. Solution: block the individual bot accounts. Works fine. Cut spam on my feeds by a third easily.
Positives: more engagements on posts. More comments, more viewpoints. I think this is great.
I think some apps even let you block bot accounts entirely
Communities are going quiet.
Bots posting links to AI spam websites are taking the place of the old posters & commenters.
Moderation is non-existent, and spam sits unchecked in /c’s like mildlyinteresting.
It comes in waves. Whenever I notice the comment quality getting bad on the front page, I assume reddit fucked up again. Things usually stabilizes in 1-2 weeks though.
I don’t use Lemmy, but rather Kbin. I guess I have some nitpicks about the fundamentals of the fediverse itself. Particularly, the fact that 10 people could create a…subfeddit…for a certain subject, like, apples@lemmy.whatever.midwest,, etc. and that causes content to become decentralized and scattered. Otherwise, I like what’s happening here, and I’m definitely happy not be licking Spezs’ boot.
Feature, not a bug.
Didn’t say it was a bug, it’s just not an ideal aspect of the platform, and it could be a deterrent for some users.
The exact same thing happened on Reddit though.
Apples, Apple, TrueApples, HonestApples, AppleFruit. Things like that happened all the time
I think it’s probably the #1 hardest thing to adjust to for new people joining Lemmy. That said, I also think it’s a good thing to not have all of our eggs in one basket. Like, if we have 4 communities about classic cars, and one starts making weird moderation decisions, users don’t have to leave Lemmy altogether.
Great point
I keep hearing this, but when is that ever a good thing in real life? Would you rather have one classic car show that you can go to with everyone and every car or have to go to four different ones at four different times with a lot less going on? If anything there should be merged instances where it’s all the same posts and comments. As it is now, no one can keep track of a particular instances rules if we go in and out of them seamlessly as it is.
I get what you’re saying, but I see it more like:
Car show #1 charges $75 admission, you have to wear the color shirt they approve of, and no Ferraris (the organizer just doesn’t like them)
Car show #2 and #3 aren’t run by weirdos, so the car community still has somewhere to go.
It sucks to have the crowd spread out, but I still think it’s an overall gain to be decentralized.
I think people fetishize the concept of choice far too much, especially when there hasn’t yet been a reason there need to be different instances with different rules.