“The use of Federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve.”
🤮 🤮 🤮🤮 🤮 🤮
I fucking hate these people so much… “The things that aim to improve peoples lives don’t enrich my donors or please the hateful heritage foundation so they’re bad.”
“those we serve” aka shareholders
This is absolutely bonkers, halts 10% of the US GDP overnight and will spark civil unrest if it goes on too long.
… will spark civil unrest …
Don’t tease me.
They want that so they have an excuse to deploy the military against civilians.
He’s already said he’s thinking of using the insurrection act to invoke martial law within the next 90 days.
I can’t stand comments like this. You act like civil unrest won’t get people hurt, or maybe even killed.
Birthing pains, bro. Birthing pains.
Positive change doesn’t come without sacrifice.
If you wanna make an omelette, some people gotta die.
Easy to say that on the internet. I don’t see anybody picking up their pitch forks to stop this.
Maybe crack a history book sometime and check out how we got all the nice freedoms we have now 😂
The history books for this haven’t been written…
History tends to repeat itself. And clearly we haven’t learned any lessons, so it’s gonna repeat itself again.
German history 1933-1945.
We tried back in November, but too many people were screeching about BlUeMaGa, bOtHSiDeS and gEnoCiDe jOe
So it is what it is
Or rather, people continuously excused the rightward shift of Democrats, resulting in them thinking they dint need to be responsible to responding to their base, which they largely abandoned.
But sure, keep blaming the voters instead of those that held power and could have actually changed strategy.
We already had an answer for that, RCV and other FPTP alternatives were spreading just fine, all that had to happen was to keep Orange Face out of office last election and the Democrats would have fallen later. After Drump was in jail and MAGA imploded
But nooo, y’all fell for quite possibly a right-wing propaganda campaign and now we’re all paying for it
But we sure taught the DNC a lesson at those polls amiright!
Those folks pale in comparison to the Dems not bothering to say they’d change anything.
Dems: We’re not going to do that and we’ll do A and B
Uh… have you been living under a rock? There have been multiple assassination attempts recently, one successful.
One successful? What are you talking about, the shooter in the first one ended up dead.
They didn’t even catch him:
I can’t stand comments like this. You act like people aren’t going to be hurt and die without civil unrest.
I would agree with you if they had mentioned people getting violent, but instead their tone is more like they hope something causes a change. They are not gleefully wishing for violence here imo
Hard to tell, I was pointing out the joking tone of it. Bcz civil unrest isn’t a joke, whether it’s warranted or not. It ends up being scary for a lot of people.
Agreed. I took it as gallows humor. But who knows. We are fucked right now.
Since you’re wondering aloud –
Fascists control the US federal government, and many state governments. There will be violence. The only questions are who starts it, when, how much, and who wins.
It’s coming, let’s get it over with so we can be done with this dark hour in history more quickly.
It’s a little frightening that you think there’s much chance it benefits anybody other than the fascists.
This isn’t the pre-revolutionary era where a large amount of people would effectively take up arms and pose a credible threat.
They have the mechanisms of government, they have the militias, they have the backing of a significant chunk of the populace, they have the most businessmen, they have their own locked down media ecosystem, etc etc.
We can look to N Korea and Russia and see that a population can indeed be stabilized under modern totalitarian rule, it just took some practice for humanity to learn how to pull it off. And you want to roll the dice on this now, here?
edit to add a word
We are well past the point of shit being scary for a lot of people.
Rights are written in blood.
Sadly, the civil unrest will be from Republicans who somehow blame everyone else for their dear leader taking a shit on the country, again.
Might actually break the spell. Granted, they’re morons, so it might not.
It won’t. These people are stupid enough to cheer him on after his first term in office ended with a fucking insurrection. They don’t give two shits about law or anyone else.
They do care about their own pocketbooks. Halting 10% of the economy is as bad or worse than Covid.
These morons were fine with covid except when it affected them personally, and even then they didn’t care enough to vote against the person who undermined the covid response. They never blamed the Republicans for shutting down the government multiple times for no reason other than to obstruct a Dem president.
They are too stupid to link this to their suffering. They will just blame Dems based on whatever the orange turd says.
Jesus… This will directly and unequivocally shrink the economy. That money? It’s paid to businesses for services. He just fucked our GDP.
And it’s going to disproportionately affect red states, because those are the states that receive the most federal grants.
They want to kill off the little fish that need that money. Also, this is a death nail for most nonprofits. Nonprofit, is a dirty word to oligarchs. Why do good things for no personal gain?! Watch for profit large corporations snap up assets and market shares of services previously provided by nonprofits and charities.
Everything he’s done so far, and most of what he will do, will be bad for our economy
Which is the point.
Yeah, a lot of this is congressional mandated funding. You can’t just take that away with the swipe of a pen. If congressional doesn’t act, or many lawsuits don’t get filed to challenge this, we really are living in the beginnings of a fascist regime, and we are meekly accepting it.
we really are living in the beginnings of a fascist regime, and we are meekly accepting it.
Ding ding ding
The thing is, you can maybe take it to court, but the suspension itself while a court examines it might be disruptive.
It looks like there are a number of federal loans preferentially extended to a number of groups (black-owned businesses, female-owned businesses, etc) by the Small Business Administration. If Trump intended to end minority-preferential lending, say, I could see that going over well with people who voted for him, but across-the-board temporary suspension while it’s evaluated seems to me like it’d make a lot of people out there who voted for him unhappy.
He makes the ferengi look generous and benevolent.
For now, it is not immediately clear exactly what will be impacted, although there is an exception for funding and grants paid directly to American citizens.
If this impacts farm and small business loans, I suspect that it is not going to take very long to produce a lot of political upset.
I saw in another post on this that it could also impact
student loansfederal college grants since those funds are given directly to universities. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out as spring term begins in a month or two.Edited to use the right terminology.
OMB clarified that VA benefits and PELL Grants are not included.
I’m sure that’ll change in… Forty seconds or so but as it stands now, the leopards have delayed eating those faces for now.
As spring term begins in a month or two.
Me preparing for midterms: Eyes look to side, look forward meme.
Trump advisor: “Sir, the debt limit is looming! Soon we won’t be able to pay out money to anything!”
Trump:" Even if the congress approved it to be spent, we could just not spend it? Legally?"
Advisor:" Well, yes, that is what the debt limit does…"
Trump:" How about just stop spending on the stuff we don’t like? You just said we could do that, even if it was approved…"