tried yt-dlp, with browser cookies. Tried the developer tools trick too (network serction). None has worked
Try How do I pass cookie to yt-dlp.
As install YT-dlp on your command line, (including ffmpeg). Log in to your site, and use this section to pass the cookie to your YT-dlp command with your video link.
I don’t think yt-dlp can crack DRM… most sites don’t bother using it.
I always try yt-dlp first with the website URL. If that doesn’t work I either try the URL shown in the network tab in the debug menu or try to find a video source URL by inspecting the video html container.
Once I’ve found a URL using one of those methods I again throw it at yt-dlp
Can you watch the video on the page? If so I would use OBS Studio to screen record it. If not, no idea, good luck!
Searching “github download webpage video” gives this and more results to try.
Does that work? I suspect the DRM content would not show.
Some streaming is not possible even when you can view it on the monitor.
I suspect that happens on the video driver or Windows rendering subsystem - where OBS would capture. I had issues like that trying to stream to my TV IIRC.
A quick search on OBS gives me - supporting my suspicion -
Ahhh makes sense, I couldn’t tell what the OP was trying to record but OBS might not work for it after all
I think OBS will not work for this DRM stuff, you need a video capture card and directly record the video signal.
Dumb question, but does the page source show where the video is contained?
hmm, I tried view page source, on the opened page I found only one occurrence of word “video”: ``
I use this Not to download but to get the video URL and download using other tools.
it gives and error because it wants to download using their desktop addon, but via the dots you can select to copy the URL. In the Addon settings you can change copy URL to the default. the URL you get will work with yt-dlp
I think the DRM did not allow access to the link
Video DownloadHelper?
What was the error you got when you ran
?[generic] Extracting URL: [generic] 742807: Downloading webpage WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor [generic] 742807: Extracting information ERROR: Unsupported URL:
Most of the time you can check your network tab in the dev console. If it’s not there, throw the url at jdownloader.
If the page uses the built-in player, right click and save as should work. If right click is disabled, get an extension to force enable it.
you can shift+right click on a page to force it, no extension needed
option isn’t there
Can you give us the URL?
didn’t want to publish specific link cuz I thought it would break community’s rules
you will need to sign inThey seem to use MPEG-DASH, which shows as a series of MP4 files each returning 206 Partial Content. I tried to download it using the MPD XML file, which you can find by filtering for “master” in your browsers network log. But that didn’t work. Still, you might want to spend more time on it than I have at the moment.
hmm, from searching yesterday, I found it mentioned in stackexchange or r/youtubdl that I’m supposed to “decrypt” them, not sure what it means. Maybe someday I’ll search more, rn I’m on limited data plan
@zaknenou try
Try using Jdownloader2