Americans: look at LA and see what they are doing. these are your brothers and sisters. they know what’s at stake. they are pushing back
Yeah ok but LA didn’t even vote for these Fascists to begin with, so the effectiveness is pretty limited as far as possitive political outcomes.
Under Trump’s new orders, ICE is now allowed to target migrants at sensitive locations, like schools and churches, for arrests and potential deportations.
And FUCKING HOSPITALS. And quizzing people about their immigration status when they seek help for a medical emergency.
It would have taken fewer words to just not excise hospitals from your partial list of “sensitive locations,” but I can see why you wouldn’t want to talk about it. It’s real fucked up.
And at large protests…
This is what allies are for.
This is what guns are for.
Both can be true. But only if you have enough people in either case.
If you want for the police to get an excuse to mow you down with a tank that is. They so wish some of you have guns so they can kill you and have a ready and ironclad excuse
It’s not like they’re above shooting unarmed protestors. Just compare how cops dealt with cop city with the Bundy occupation.
But that’s the thing. Shooting unarmed protestors is fucked up even by their standards, they aren’t above it, but they have to hide it and not everyone is having a good time about it, so there is tension and hesitation.
Shooting armed protestors is why they joined in the first place, it’s what they dream of, it’s everything that a cop ever wanted.
And a big portion of population that is not OK with the first scenario is also dreaming of the second one.
All they need is one agent provocateur for that, then.
One agent in a crowd of unarmed people will not cause that effect. But if everyone is on edge and carrying a gun, then yes, one will be enough to cause full blown massacre.
One agent in a crowd of unarmed people will not cause that effect.
It will if police are present and are looking for an excuse to violently quash protest.
Are you saying illegal immigrants should illegally obtain firearms?
Police do not have freedom to easily arrest people at large protests. This whole protest was breaking the law at various points and the article didn’t even know if anyone has been arrested.
At this point why not just go out to farmlands and take people right out of the fields mid-work. See how that goes.
No matter how bad it gets, people still show up. Love that “Don’t bite the hands that feed you” sign.
If anyone’s interested, the Red Card resource mentioned in the news coverage “created by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) and are available in 16 languages from Spanish to Haitian Creole to Tigrinya.” Anyone wanting to leave these lying around, you don’t need to order them. Just buy a few business card printer sheets and DIY. …
“It’s important to know that a lot of productive activity is happening in person and offline, too. Not all of it can be broadcast online, but we’ve had hundreds of people showing up to our trainings, mobilizations, and more. Keep going. Tyranny is eroded by a sea of small acts. Everything matters.” - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, sometime yesterday
Follow her on Bluesky. She’s always posting links to get in touch with people running workshops.
LAPD called the demonstration “non-permitted,”
That’s entirely the point, you goose-stepping morons. SMH.
Yup, “designated protest zones” with a permit were designed to preserve the illusion of protest while removing the efficacy in the wake of the civil rights movement, removing protest from the eyelines, profit operations, and governmental operation of those being protested.
If a protest isn’t disruptive, it’s masturbation. Might feel good, but it won’t do shit.
Just as with our American free speech, it’s been neutered into not mattering, and it will be silenced on for profit media and buried/quieted on for profit social media if it’s an opinion the oligarchs don’t want to be spread, just like Luigi when they realized nothing they could propagandize using their for profit bully pulpits would turn our crony capitalist beaten citizenry against him.
If a protest isn’t disruptive, …
TIL I don’t have a problem, I’m just a chronically bad protestor.
Cue Arrested Development cage for protestors
Idk about that, mate. If used correctly the permits would have stopped the racist gathering in Charlottesville for “Unite the Right” and even though it was permitted it was also still highly effective as a show of intimidation and awareness of their racist message.
Something we all need to come to terms with is when we make rules it doesn’t just apply to our enemies and doesn’t just apply to us, either.
I dont believe in stopping protest just because I disagree with what’s being protested. People got fired for attending that protest, which was good, though not worth Heather’s life. I absolutely believe in social consequences for speech like that, that’s extremely healthy.
Let the racists protest, and let society punish them socially if we as a society have any worth at all. If we’re ultimately bad, racist people, banning racist protests won’t change that, and would only embolden and validate them.
I absolutely think protests by those who wish harm on or infringe upon the rights of others need to be broken up, including religious fanatics barricading abortion clinics and racists gathering in front of a black man’s home in white robes.
There is either full tolerance or zero tolerance with the laws, we don’t get to pick and choose.
I overheard (coworker on break) a video saying ICE in NYC was only targeting criminals and gang members. So far I haven’t found a real source for that ‘fact’
Fascists consider being brown to be a criminal act. They say that to create apathy
This has been amended to “there may be some collateral arrests” which mean anyone near their target who’s brown and first language isn’t English is getting rounded up too
It’s probably true, in the sense that anyone they arrest is automatically a criminal. Ever get a speeding ticket? Criminal, deported. Oh you say you’re a citizen? This document is fake, criminal, deported. Resisting arrest? Criminal, deported.
You won’t either because they’ve already done shenanigans including detaining an entire American family from Puerto Rico.
Well they say they are - so that means they are! And they know who all the criminals and gang members are without needing a trial too! ICE is amazing!
/s because we’re in that timeline.
Trump decided to include anyone that is in the country illegally in the criminal category, and I’m sure they can find an even wider brush to paint with down the line (participate in an unsanctioned protest? Criminal! Say something bad about Trump? Criminal!).
I mean, if it were the 1950s, that would be kind of believable, but it’s been like 75 years of this BS.
That’s part of their plan. They start by more aggressively tracking down, arresting, and deporting the people with the most severe criminal records who have probably been already already convicted of a deportable offense. They can go around saying how they’ve got these actual criminals that “Biden allowed to stay” and be telling enough of the truth that it works.
The next step is to start going after people with mild criminal records, maybe shoplifting or an assault charge from a bar fight. People who wouldn’t normally be eligible to deport. People who are here maybe legally maybe not.
Then they start revoking legal status from people by just accusing them of petty crimes and deporting them without due process. This is what the new law they just passed with Democrats support allows the government to do now.
I loved how we all united today.
Hit Little Tokyo bakery before the protest.
Time for a national strike/shutdown.
If they keep deporting workers in the facility fields then there won’t need to be a strike. The country will grind to a halt all on it’s own.
Yes please. For the love of God it’s not too late.
I get the feeling of defeat. It sucks. But we must come together and stop this fascist takeover before it’s too late, whether you’re a conservative, liberal, or leftist we need to join hands and fight for a nation for the people. Luigi was a right leaning libertarian.
Seriously, the train has left the station and if we don’t derail this train now it’s going to mean we’re finally handing all of our remaining power to self important narcissistic billionaires. America isn’t for sale and it’s not a business, it’s our home, it belongs to us. These gross conmen pricks who think they know more than us because they got lucky in life think they can just take everything away by force.
How exactly would that help? Destroying the economy and defunding the government seems to be the Republican platform, why would we help them?
This is what I’m waiting for someone to articulate. I work in the cannabis industry - we have nothing to do with Republicans and the Federal government already hates us. What would our workers striking accomplish? It’d only hurt our company and thus more likely to hurt Dems than R in the long run.
I would have articulated it on the general strike posts that float around Lemmy sooner but some of them ban me for insulting Xi Jinping and Putin.
Sorry how would that help us? GOP already destroying industry and dismantling government services, I’m not going to help the GOP.
Haven’t you noticed that many “industries” are actively working to dismantle government? This isn’t like dynamiting a pond to obtain a fish for dinner. You select your targets. You shift your buying to non-corporate entities., like a National Black Farmer near you. You use a bike instead of a car, when you can. You prepare your own food instead of going to McDonalds. You slow down at work. You develop a like-minded community and help your neighbors. You grow a garden. Maybe you start your own business.
Yes, businesses and government ideally are naturally opposed, which is why a general strike in context of a US political protest does fuck all.
You won’t just hurt all the bad people, you will hurt the good people as well. Some people will die when certain supply chains get disrupted but I guess thats a sacrifice you’re willing to make.
Vive la resistance
Great choice . I’ll know it’s real when the National Guard gets called in.
Get your p100 before there is a rush and see you there
“Massive protest” - a few hundred to low thousands. For a city as large as LA this barely registers as a protest. I guess its better than nothing, but look at Berlin which has roughly the same population. There the Nazis arent even a majority power yet and the recent protest was still in the 200k range. USAmericans really are indifferent huh?
You know, these are brave people. They probably weighted the very real possibility to be thrown away of the country if they got raid. They still protested. But they weren’t raid. Now they have shown the people can get to the streets and protest. The ICE will hardly do anything if the protests are big enough. I think there’s hope.
I would have gone, but the first I heard of this was after the fact, right here on this post. You’re right, it honestly surprises me that we aren’t taking to the streets more though.
Personally I believe part of the problem is that corporate capture of our social interactions has effectively meant folks can’t get the word out and (sadly) they don’t realize it? Trying to organize on Facebook? That’s a mistake.
I’m not saying it’s what happened here but there’s a possibility it’s what’s going on more broadly. And by design.
Personally I’ve started building a tool (for the fediverse) to help make civil participation free of corporate interest. I’m sick of my town and local municipal services (and volunteer organizations) only posting to Facebook (and I’m not in the US!)
Existing tools are, in my opinion, not widely used and too clunky to appeal to those who’ve been lulled into using big-tech solutions.
I can’t miss work to protest the federal government.
I get that disruption is important, but I need little things like food and a roof, and I have to work to secure those things no matter how much I hate the administration.
USAmericans really are indifferent huh?
Yeah this was a bit harsh i admit. The fact that it has gotten to the point where so many people are actually just too poor to take the time to protest is a whole level of craziness by itself.
Still i think they wont have a choice other than overthrowing their government this time. Unless they somehow reign in their leadership they wont stay “just” poor they will struggle to survive at all. If things continue at the current pace the US will have tens of millions of additonal jobless and homeless people in a few months. Nevermind the complete infrastructure collapse due to lay offs in critical public sectors and budget cuts.
This whole way of life we have here has been by design. We work constantly. If you miss work to protest you may not be able to afford the medical bills you get when police brutalize you at the protest.
Wow what an insightful comment that adds so much to the discussion.
I bet you weren’t at the systemically silenced protests that nobody knew were happeneing either.
Use to communicate via Bluetooth when there’s no network.
In all fairness they have been dealing with a tad bit of fire.
If they would release a new iphone, more people would show up. This is just against fascism.
I knew something about this thread smelt like Tankie bullshit, good catch mate.
Why don’t they go protest where no one will notice - is what was said when pro Palestinian anti apartheid protesters did the same.
Where are these people now?
Hope do you know the people protesting today were criticizing the pro Palestinian protesters? What if the same people protesting today were also protesting then?
they probably are the exact same people
Fucking good.
Peaceful demonstrations are little more than a relief valve for peoples frustration. You need to do something that gets a nonsensical name like “charged with curmudgeoning the public” which effectively meant you stopped money from transacting, or possibly needed a bath, but has since been expanded to included whatever shenanigans you got up to in you’re non peaceful demonstration(non peaceful being any demonstration that has an impact apparently)
(Anyone else here (also) because the thumbnail looked like there was a diplodoc type of skeleton on the bridge?)