BECAUSE! They.Stole.all.the.MONEY!
Blocked from posting on lopsided posts. The system wants to demonize half the population and infantilize the other. I’ll post when it draws a crowd. Why waste the forums I’m not blocked from. Uncomfortable truths are free.
BECAUSE! They.Stole.all.the.MONEY!
I quit streaming services around 4 months ago, determined the exact maximum streaming quality every device I own can handle, used a $60 used office PC from craigslist, admittedly I haven’t fully figured out how to get subtitles to work without transcoding, but I just need to sit down and figure it out at some point. I direct stream all of my content from a 10+ yr old PC and it uses less than 5% cpu while watching a 4k movie. I could stream to easily 5-10 PC’s and still likely be able to do software maintenance on the PC at the same time. That and with how jellyfin looks like a streaming service, with no transcoding it’s better than any streaming service. Nearly every streaming service you use is transcoding on the fly instead of storing 20versions of each video for direct streaming, direct streaming a previously encoded asset will always deliver a higher quality viewing experience.
Me forgetting AI can be used for such things: “dang that was a well written email, and how clever to turn it into a bullet point so quickly, better up my game…”
Hey Secret Service, FBI, CIA, doj, NSA, and that one dude that has access to everything and no one seems to have figured it out yet. I bet you did NAZI that coming…Am I right lol.
So long as there is people living in a place, having kids, and trying to improve their lives, the places will remain. The government may change, social structure’s get overhauled, but the same fact that people are having kids and building a life means those places are unlikely to go away. The old republic is dead. We have supreme court justices taking bribes then passing judgments saying they can. We have the position of President where anyone in it can legally say “I was doing it for my country the laws don’t apply.” And get away with it. The United States of America as a Democratic Republic, is over. But there still exists a United States of America that has transitioned to a Democratic Empire/kingdom. So to the question; “Is the USA screwed?” The simple answer is No. It will continue on so lobg as the population does. Is the Democratic Republic of the United States screwed? Bitch be dead, screw the corpse if you like.
New tech is always more expensive. So this is a dumb headline. Keep advancing it, selling it, and using it, and it will get better and cheaper over time. Removing carbon and the slew of chemicals that are too heavy to float off the earth is a requirement because they don’t just go away…
Just try using AI for a complicated mechanical repair. For instance draining the radiator fluid in your specific model of car, chances are googles AI model will throw in steps that are either wrong, or unnecessary. If you turn off your brain while using AI, you’re likely to make mistakes that will go unnoticed until the thing you did is business necessary. AI should be a tool like a straight edge, it has it’s purpose and it’s up to you the operator to make sure you got the edges squared(so to speak).
Oh, and because you’re an engineer, NO OVERTIME! YOU SALARY BITCH! THOSE HOURS ARE INCLUDED!
Pull a 16hr shift working network engineering during an outage, then come back to work in 8hrs for another full day on a Monday, then when the boomer stops having their mental break down they can apologize in person to every millennial they talked shit about.
I personally am capable of working any boomer in their prime into exhausting while I’m still pushing for hours more. The whole “millenials are lazy” is corporate bullshit designed to make parents think their kids are just lazy and not being ripped off by the system they demand exists.
His net worth is NOT how much money he is net positive. All his net worth means, is he has hundreds of billions of assets, it says nothing for the debt load he is holding onto, nor how much of his assets are already leveraged. With how throughly he has obliterated xitters ad income when it was being sold because investors were unhappy with ad income already being too low, it looks like ol Elon might have found a sure fire way to turn a billion into a million, and somehow people keep loaning him money… Have they checked who else has their financial interests vested in assets he “owns” or when you have that much stuff do they just assume no one else is using it for collateral… Just be interesting if suddenly his entire fortune went up with a puff of smoke because the debt load was too high and one of his investments went further sour causing a cascade similar to a short squeeze, just encapsulated entirely on elon musk and his assets being liquidated…
But for whom will the AI be turned against? Is this their solution to armed civilians taking back the country from both parties using gorilla warfare? By using AI do they hope to remove the advantage civilians would have in “hit and run” assaults on military targets? Why keep increasing the edge of military capabilities unless you are preparing for a really massive enemy?
Those that do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. History has the chance to do possibly the funniest thing ever right now. To be clear, the death of millions is tragic, and hordendous, but historically speaking it’s fucking hilarious that he stepped into office and repeated the exact same steps that led to covid spreading so rapidly last time!
Texas you absolute brick morons! Trump just signed an executive order stating NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO TALK ABOUT VIRUS OUTBREAKS! You knew this when you voted for him, now go back out to the field to pick cotton because the immigrants are gone, except the ones working in engineering positions, so only the low paid immigrants are gone, GET TO PICKING!!!
3yrs ago, I was 39, if you found a racist tweet from 3 yrs ago, I should be responsible, who cares if 3 yrs ago the kid was in diapers and shouldn’t have had access to the internet, that is likely a good enough reason they should never have been allowed near government systems. Wtf did Elon do, walk into a highschool graduation like “you boys wanna see the inside of the government?”
Will the new enemy of the USA be the people?
I hate the american tax system. Not more than wiccans, but still a whole lot. Especially since I just read of a bunch of comments saying how great their tax filing is… Musky needs to be arrested, he’s obviously destroying services that make our lives as citizens easier. That’s what the federal government should be, easy and comprehensive to citizens and cold and mean to people like El(t)on musk
Peaceful demonstrations are little more than a relief valve for peoples frustration. You need to do something that gets a nonsensical name like “charged with curmudgeoning the public” which effectively meant you stopped money from transacting, or possibly needed a bath, but has since been expanded to included whatever shenanigans you got up to in you’re non peaceful demonstration(non peaceful being any demonstration that has an impact apparently)
To clarify, the Wuhan lab leak got into the wet market, but the wet market is where it took hold. This could happen again, lab leaks happen all the time, just this one got into a wet market.
I think there’s still one that deserves punishment. Didn’t act in violence, but acted as bait… Unless that was one of the new ones, bet they were assistants and the bait is still wandering free. Throw them into solitary and leave them until their term is up. I’m not trans, but I don’t need to be to see I don’t want people that are willing to do what they did, just running around society. Who the hell is next? They already went after a trans person that wasn’t harming anyone. Maybe they go after nuns next because they don’t like their vow to god… Idk just saying.