It’s not good that they’re running out but it’s great that so many people are getting their kids vaccinated that they run out.
Exactly. Every vaccinated person is another unlikely vector to pass the disease along further, and we’re all better for it.
If only there was some kind of preventative treatment we could give people so they could never get sick from the measles to begin with…
Good, let them suffer.
Sorry, I’m out of fucks to give for these people. They didn’t want to vaccinate, and now the chickens have come home to roost. You made the world a more dangerous place for everybody, do not expect a single ounce of pity.
Some of these people are the unfortunate children of the antivaxers.
Unfortunately vaccines are not 100% effective. There will always be a percentage of the population that vaccines do not work for. Mass distribution of vaccines solves this problem by putting a whole lot of immune people between the ones that can always be infected. These dumbasses will be the reason a vaccinated kid dies, and then they’ll say “see vaccines don’t work!” And more people will believe them and more will die. Stupidity is dangerous. Stupidity gets people killed.
Ah that’s what I wanted to know. Yeah we’re not traveling anywhere starting this year now. Fuck the airports, planes, trains etc.
Vaccinea are good enough, though, and if over 95% would get them, we could eradicate all those diseases if we wanted to.
As dar as I’m concerned, vaccines should be obligatory with the one single exception being people to whom it’s really dangerous, like people with immune system issues, immune suppression medication, etc. anyone else gets it, by force if necessary. If you’re too dumb to take care of yourself then we’ll force it, I don’t care anymore about these screeching “but much rights!!” idiots, they are always the ones throwt away said rights for some nazi lover.
Better late than never, I suppose?
Ahh yes, the grand scheme to kill people. Elect, restrict, infect.
According to the whiteboard at walgreens, methadone is back ordered also…
Oh oh…we’re fucked.
So if my kids have had the MMR are they good? How about myself if I had it as a kid?
MMR is a very standard shot as a kid, so chances are you got it
Depends on when you got it. They are worried about people who got it in the late 60s to early 90s, since I think they were doing a one dose vaccine then. MMR since then is a double dose and lasts for life. If you’re 35+ you should check with a doctor to see if you need a booster.