Oh, she’s also diabetic and running out of insulin & heart medication. And the Lao government is holding her things so she has no money or identification or anything. Neat.
Oh, she’s also diabetic and running out of insulin & heart medication. And the Lao government is holding her things so she has no money or identification or anything. Neat.
Yeah, there’s a finite amount of room in there, where else it is supposed to go?
More enjoyment if you spread it out over the whole day, plus you won’t barf. You might shit liquid, but y’know, lesser evil I’d say.
But a human can’t look at a painting for a millisecond and spit out an exact replica in the next. A human can’t listen to the collected works of a musical artist and instantly improvise infinite sound-a-like songs based on complex prompts. A human can’t read every scientific article on the Internet in a few seconds and regurgitate any and every tiny trivial detail on demand in the literal blink of an eye. A human being has a soul. Most do anyway.
For the record, I didn’t downvote you, but I’m guessing others did because you don’t seem to see how AI so obviously devalues the beautiful and brilliant efforts of the human spirit to build and sustain our cultures, our societies, our civilizations, our species, our very world. In the capitalist hellscape that we currently suffer in, that kind of devaluing ought to be criminal.
The owners of the copyrighted works should be paid in perpetuity too though, since part of their work goes into everything the AI spits out.
Yeah, military coups always work out real well
If only there was some kind of preventative treatment we could give people so they could never get sick from the measles to begin with…
Ok, maybe I will!
More like gold-colored spray-painted feces
Damn, I thought the Holocaust started in the 1930s! Shows what I know
I knew there was something off about that bear story
Maybe they have hemophilia or that paper skin disease
You make it sound like you think he has morals, lol
Check out Song of Solomon
YouTube is free
Who just crashed his car
Against a drunk guy
Also incapable of winning a foot race.
Fucking hellscape