Hello, everyone! I’m a long time Linux user who has warily stared at NixOS from the safe distance one might give to wild animals on a safari for quite some time now… And I finally decided, “fuck it, I’m gonna poke it with a stick.”

I absolutely adore this system, even as strange a paradigm as it is coming from a decade of “traditional” management systems. I haven’t been this excited about a Linux distro since… Well, ever really. Maybe OpenSUSE Tumbleweed? I can’t recall.

Anyway, I wanted to introduce myself and preach to the choir for a second, so to speak. As someone totally new to this paradigm of system management, what are your #1 must read/watch resources you would recommend? I’ve perused through the NixOS Learn website over the last couple of days, and I’m itching for more. I can’t wait to see what all this system is capable of!

  • fxomt
    1214 days ago

    Welcome! I use home-manager and sops-nix. Use flakes, always!

    For neovim i use https://github.com/nix-community/nixvim, but i’ve been eyeing https://github.com/NotAShelf/nvf

    For content i recommend Vimjoyer and the official NixOS wiki.

    Personally i used this as a good base, to see how some things are done. But then i started doing my own thing eventually. https://github.com/Aylur/dotfiles. You can search on github for NIxOS configs to see how things are done, and you have this community to ask questions.

    Have fun! If i find more resources i’ll edit this comment.

    • @hangonasecond@lemmy.world
      313 days ago

      You’re a legend - been rocking default nvim for months on nix and had tried a couple of times to understand how to configure it but nothing stuck. Had somehow missed nixvim and got a colour scheme and a couple of plugins going before work this morning thanks to you.

      Now to learn how plugins actually work!

  • navordar
    1114 days ago

    I recommend adding a https://wiki.nixos.org/ search engine to your browser. Maybe it’s not Arch Wiki, but it’s getting better. Oftentimes I cannot find how to do something on NixOS anywhere but on the wiki

  • @sloppy_diffuser@sh.itjust.works
    14 days ago

    Been using Nix for just over a year.

    Seconding to go with flakes. No idea wtf channels are or whatever the previous system was.

    Documentation can be confusing due to changes in paradigms. The bare "nix " seems to be the most modern oppose to “nix-” (e.g., nix store vs nix-store). That said, not every feature can be found in the newer variants.

    This can make following tutorials difficult if they aren’t using the same paradigm.

    Getting comfortable with the nix language will be helpful. Its a functional programming language, which is very different than languages like bash.

    Not everything has to be done the nix-way. My nvim files are in the same repo, but I just outOfStoreSymlink them instead of wrapping them in a derivation.

    Some useful packages I like not already shared.

    Disk partitioning: https://github.com/nix-community/disko

    Immutable: https://github.com/nix-community/impermanence - Pretty much resets the system to a new install every boot. Discourages manual tweaks via sudo as they get wiped out. You can still mark certain directories to be persistent (logs, personal documents, steam games, etc.).

    Nvfetcher: https://github.com/berberman/nvfetcher - Nix has a concept of overlays. You can pretty much override anything with .override (module args or inputs) and .overrideAttrs (module attribute set or outputs). Nvfetcher helps with checking different sources so you can override a packages src attribute. Why is this useful? So you can install any version you want and are not bound to nixpkgs. That doesn’t mean the install script in nixpkgs will always work on newer versions, but those can be overridden as well if needed.

    Note that disko, impermanence, and nvfetcher all have a flake.nix in the root of the repo. Those provide ready to go overlays so you don’t have to deal with writing your own which is really nice if you want to latest version without much work when available.

  • Alexander Sosedkin :nixos:
    314 days ago


    #1 is definitely skimming the original https://edolstra.github.io/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf
    #2 is bookmarking https://github.com/tazjin/nix-1p and going poking
    #3 the holy trinity of nix/nixpkgs/nixos manuals at https://nixos.org/learn which are also the reference kind of materials, not top-to-bottom bedside reading

    Some swear by Nix pills https://nixos.org/guides/nix-pills, but I only got to reading the relevant parts of them when I was making my own distro.

    In general, poking matters much more because NixOS world is much more Lego than the now-fossilized last-century Linux one, meaning that you get much more freedom/incentive to do weird things that noone tried before, so there are fewer restrictive patterns you need to learn before you inevitably break them. If you think I’ve just described Windows->Linux, no, I’m describing Linux->NixOS.

  • @Boomkop3@reddthat.com
    14 days ago

    I tried it, and refunded the day I tried it. I was shocked to find it’s just a botched mess

    Welp, pretty sure I confused nix with something else here. Now I don’t know what the thing I refunded was called. Not that it matters anyways

    • Noxy
      814 days ago

      Full or partial refund? Back to original payment method, or just nix store credit?


      • @Boomkop3@reddthat.com
        14 days ago

        Full refund, to my bank account. Not for nixos, for the thing I confused it with. And I forgot what that was called