Firefox vs Chrome in 2023? Which one is better?

      12 years ago

      I get that you expect the general public of Lemmy to be technically versed, but reddit refugees don’t always have your mindset.

      2 years ago

      Plase, tell me more on how someone like me, that has been using Firefox for almos 20 years and then switched to a Chromium browsers because of all Mozilla’s fuckups is doing something wrong. And yes, I’m technically very well versed. I just don’t want to spend my time fixing Mozilla’s bullshit and I unilaterally decided that they don’t deserve me as a user.

      Just use whatever you like. If Firefox is good for you, fine. Enjoy it, until it lasts, as Mozilla seems to be hell-bent on destryoing it.

        2 years ago

        I can understand the frustrations, Mozilla don’t get everything right.

        But personally I much prefer their ecosystem to Chromiums. Chormium is compromised by Google’s control. The google driven Manifest V3 controversy around adblockers, and the FLoC privacy concerns are good examples of this.

        Also there are only 3 major broswer engines left: Webkit, Blink and Gecko. Webkit and Blink are ultimately controlled & influenced by big tech corporations driven by commerical priorities including advertising, while Gecko is independent.

        I’m not suggesting that is enough in itself. I do honestly personally like Firefox, but it certainly makes me much more forgiving of it when I consider the alternatives.

  • Andreas
    22 years ago

    Chrome lost me completely when they announced the plan to change the browser’s framework so that it would no longer be possible to block ads. Google is currently delaying the release but it will come someday.

    12 years ago

    I’m not touching anything google with a 10m pole… Chrome will not end up on any of my systems.

    Chromium or forks of that would be ok I guess. But I’ll stick to FireFox.

    12 years ago

    Better? That’s tough. I think it comes down to preference and options. I’ve been using Firefox for ages. It’s flexible and fast. It’s the only meaningful competition to the Chrome universe. I’m used to the aesthetic and love it. YMMV.