Good article. Rather than aliasing `cd …/…" etc. I’ve got this function in my setup:
up () { local x='' for i in $(seq ${1:-1}) do x="$x../" done cd $x }
This lets me do
up 4
to go up 4 directories.You could also do a “up” for one up “upp” for 2 and “upppp” for 4 because of fun
True. That is something that could be done.
Oh I really like this. I never had an alias for this since I need to do multiple backwards cds very rarely, but I might just copy this
I have the zsh option autopushd set which calls pushd in interactive shells for every cd, that way 90% of the time when I want to go back up to another path I can just use popd
Go for it. I’ve been using it for years without a problem.
Look into zoxide.
z direc
Will take you to the most used directory starting with “direc” eg “/home/me/random/directory”
I’ve tried things like that before but never got on with them. I found when I had many projects with similar directory structures it was easy to end up in the wrong place and took more thought to get to the right place than just cding
The dir’s are the same names or similar? A few extra key strokes to get the fullname should be easier than cd’ing back and forth.
There’s also z foo “space” “tab” as per docs to get interactive list for matches.
But, just a suggestion!
I use Fish and have keybinds for previous and next directory, 99% of the time when going up in a directory it’s to (one of) the previous directory/ies I was in
Holy shit
What I use to automatically extend stuff like
ls ....
tols ../../../..
function expand-dots() { local MATCH if [[ $LBUFFER =~ '(^| )\.\.\.+' ]]; then LBUFFER=$LBUFFER:fs%\.\.\.%../..% fi } function expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete() { zle expand-dots zle expand-or-complete } function expand-dots-then-accept-line() { zle expand-dots zle accept-line } zle -N expand-dots zle -N expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete zle -N expand-dots-then-accept-line bindkey '^I' expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete bindkey '^M' expand-dots-then-accept-line
(for zsh)
Some of these tips are dangerous. You generally don’t want cause insensitivity in your shell. Also, ls should never be used as a subshell to find files as a part of commands.
Great stuff! Didn’t know about
I use that
function regularly to go to the git project root. But I call itgtop
. I mostly use that and zoxide to get around.Thanks for these tips.