Tell your revenue stream to go fuck themselves. It’s a bold move Elon. Let’s see if it pays off.
You’re acting like he wants Xitter to succeed. I suspect he wants it dead because he thinks it contributed to his child being trans. And also because some of his financiers don’t want an Arab Spring.
Edit: Either way he’s a piece of shit.
I used to agree with you, but now I really think he’s just a narcissist who wants the attention. If Twitter wasn’t profitable, the longer he owns it the more money he’s going to lose on top of how much he over paid for it. If he really wanted Twitter gone, he could have bought it and just… shut it off.
Like every single techbro, he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and demands the masses worship him for that. He just was lucky enough to have money to buy an entire platform to stroke his ego.
If he didn’t want it to succeed, he wouldn’t have rebranded it the same exact way he tried to rebrand PayPal. He wants this X everything app to be a thing.
There would be much less compromising ways for him to destroy Twitter if that was what he really wanted. He could have left his puppet CEO to do all the ridiculous shit and sit on his real life Iron Man throne only to eventually say “Welp, we tried. Clearly this site was doomed from the start.” and shut it down. Which people would have believed before he revealed what a clown he is.
No, no, no, it’s not Elon who’s out of touch. It’s the advertisers who are wrong! Just wait until all of Earth, apparently, hears of how these big mean advertisers killed the wondrous and righteous place named X. There will be outrage!.. so thinks Elon anyway. What a deluded moron.
Musk responded that the advertising boycott is likely to kill the company. “What this advertising boycott is going to do is it’s going to kill the company, and the whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company and we will document it in great detail,”
When Sorkin pointed out that advertisers see things differently, Musk replied, “oh yeah? Tell it to Earth.”
Sorkin continued: “They’re going to say, Elon, that you killed the company because you said these things and they were inappropriate things and they didn’t feel comfortable on the platform. That’s what they’re going to say.”
“And let’s see how Earth responds to that,” Musk replied.
I mean… I think that pretty much removes any last doubt anyone might have had that Elon Musk had any grasp on the reality that he himself exists in.
Dude you missed quoting the best bit!
“If somebody is going to try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money? Go fuck yourself,” Musk said.
Sorkin replied, “but,” and trailed off. Musk wasn’t done. “Go fuck yourself. Is that clear? I hope it is. Hey, Bob!” Musk said. Musk was apparently addressing Disney CEO Bob Iger, who previously said at the conference that advertising on X “was not necessarily a positive” association and so Disney “decided we would pull our advertising.”
The Muskrat told Disney CEO to go fuck himself.
On video.
With a hard F. No dissembling.
The Tesla board should remove him as CEO as he is clearly unstable.
It’s mean to laugh at people self destructing.
But anyway … fucking lol.
I think he’s going to OD someday
I’m not about to condone suicide.
But the world can do with less billionaires, especially those as mad as Elmo.
He was already destituted as CEO years ago.
I need this video
Clearedtoland posted it earlier
Is there a non-shitter link?
Here is an alternative Piped link(s):
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub.
First of all thanks for sharing
Second of all, lmao what a retard
He’s clearly lost what little he had
No idea how anyone could drive one of those Tesla deathtraps with this guy at the helm
Isn’t he talking to Sorkin, tells him to fuck off and then he talks to Bob?
I don’t think the fuck off was directed at Sorkin, but the companies who had pulled advertising.
He truly must believe he’s one of the good guys. Lmao Earth isn’t going to rise up for a divorced apartheid emerald mine inheritor, you dork.
Aren’t loans collateralized with Tesla shares? Maybe he is implying that if Twitter goes poof, it could really hurt or possibly destroy Tesla
If I remember correctly, only a third of the whole payment was financed with Tesla shares as collateral.
Now that, that sounds like blackmail.
Yeah, fuck divorced people!
You can’t hold a firm grasp on reality if it is distorted by your massive narcissism already. He thinks anyone but the bags of shit still on his platform care.
Twitter never actually mattered and nothing of value will be lost. He can pound sand.
Yikes. Broke Mind Virus.
What does he mean with his Earth comments? I’m so confused.
He means the planet is on his side. Because his ego is that size.
That’s crazy. This is why they tell you not to do drugs.
Not to do ketamine anyway, which apparently is his drug of choice.
He should have stuck to weed I guess.
I mean, he seemed pretty fucking high out of his gourd, so I suspect that he didn’t really know what reality he was in.
“And let’s see how Earth responds to that,” Musk replied.
I’m getting strong Kanye vibes from Elon these days.
Kanye’s straight up bipolar, maybe even schizoaffective. Musk still just looks like a narcissistic asshole, and the grandiosity about “Earth” caring about Twitter is par for the course
I’m sure the ketamine also doesn’t help, in Elon’s case.
As someone who takes prescribed ketamine on the regular, it blows my mind that he can still hold the shit opinions he has. I only ever feel more connected to everyone and more present with the small joys around me.
I’m guessing he takes it in vastly more quantities than you and also that it would affect someone who is already an asshole narcissist a different way than it would someone like yourself.
with his money, k is prolly the weakest chem hes on
I was just thinking the exact same thing the other day. Dude needs to take his meds.
Yep. Can’t put my finger on what’s happening there exactly, but there’s some kind of mental health crisis going on and it’s very public.
The last time Earth told me anything I was on a lot of drugs.
Gaea told me she thinks Elon is a complete fuckwad and is the worst of the worst kind of virus on her.
A recent comment of mine:
In an old interview, Mr. Narcissus [Elon Musk] said he may have bipolar disorder; he said he experiences “great highs, terrible lows, and unrelenting stress”.
He has doubts because his highs and lows follow events in his life, whereas episodes from bipolar disorder often appear without triggers. […]
We’d know if he went for an evaluation/possible diagnosis, but I cannot even imagine him doing it.
Kanye West is usually manic when he acts this way. I guess this supports Musk’s suspicion.
He has doubts because his highs and lows follow events in his life, whereas episodes from bipolar disorder often appear without triggers. […]
Maybe the events are what follow the highs and lows.
Quick, someone introduce Musk to Jonah Hill!
Musk says X advertiser backlash is “going to kill the company.”
For once I hope you’re not wrong, Musk!
“It’s not me being an antisemitic transphobic bigot that’s killing Twitter; it’s all the companies who don’t want their brands next to my antisemitic transphobic comments!”
Oh shit, is that how capitalism works? I never thought the money leopards would eat my face!
Smartest thing he’s ever said.
I have never in my life seen an interviewer try to get someone to save face like this. Elon has zero self awareness, and he’s basically behaving like a petulant child. Who the fuck sees this man as a genius?
He needs to stop hitting the ke–actually, no. He needs to hit more of that shit. At least until the road dead ends.
Well he’s rich, so he’s a genius. And we should worship him.
Well he’s rich, so he’s a genius
This is why I’m fine with all the news stories about him. He’s actively debunking this every single time.
Yeah I don’t think American society was quite ready to handle a publicly moronic billionaire.
At this point it starts to really look he wants X to bankrupt so he doesn’t have to pay
His backers include the Saudis. If he doesn’t pay, they’ll whip out ol’ bonesaw on him
He never actually wanted it as a company, he only wanted to open it up because he had a misguided belief it was some evil corporation controlling what people can say and he wanted that control instead.
I don’t even think it was that, from what I understand he claimed that he was buying Twitter out of a desperate bid for attention. And then he was too fucking stupid you understand how Finance law works, and that you can’t just back out of a billion dollar deal last second with no warning or without probable cause.
Why wouldn’t he have to pay? He already had to pay when he bought it. He put in cash and took on debt. The only real benefit to this thing tanking is he can take a massive capital loss and probably never pay income tax again.
The downside is he would owe a lot of money to people you don’t want to owe and he looks like a bigger moron by the day. Sooner or later, Tesla investors are going to get spooked by his deranged behavior and then he’s in a world of hurt. All his wealth is tied up in Tesla and he uses his position as CEO to pump the stock with all his bullshit lies. It’s like a giant Ponzi scheme. As soon as the value comes back down to Earth and the stock is priced like a normal company he’s in big trouble.
probably never pay income tax again
He doesn’t pay income tax now. He has no taxable income. The guy isn’t drawing a salary, his money comes from capital gains and he’s taxed on that.
Yes, that’s correct but a year or two back he did liquidate some of that money and to pay taxes. I thing he’s the record holder for having to pay the must taxes at once by a single individual.
He’s definitely trying to destroy Twitter on purpose.
I’m glad that I never fell through the hype of him being the real life Tony stark, 10 years ago people were sure this guy was going to get us on Mars and save the world. There are Comics out there of him being not only supportive of trans rights, but inventing the Tesla Model TG in order to give us all cat girls
I would be willing to forgive a lot if he could give us all cat girls. Not all, but a lot.
If you turn to me into a cat girl, it would redeem his spot in the history books in my eyes, and I would start liking him for the first time. Because I am proud to say that I never believed the pipe about this guy being the real life Tony stark.
This guy isn’t even good enough to be the real life Norman Osborne as Iron Patriot.
No, his more of a Steve Jobs, in that he knows how to get the right people in a room and get investors to invest in his companies.
We can’t rule out the Mars thing. I’m still looking forward to it.
Although I imagine if SpaceX does get to Mars, it’ll be in spite of Elon, not because of him
The best part was the dead silence when he was waiting for laughter or something, the silence was murder on his soul. Not unlike when Dave Chapelle brought him out on stage for who knows why and he was booed like …how fucking out of touch are you Dave, and why would you bring that turd out?
Dave got rich and kinda lost his grip with reality
There is probably some secret rich person drug that they’re all doing that makes them this way. We’ll find out about it in a few decades.
Like lead in gasoline
It’s a lack of negative reinforcement. Normal people face negative reinforcement every single day: if you screw up you lose something. Relationships, jobs, money, etc.
After a certain amount of wealth the negative reinforcement starts to disappear. You don’t need to give a shit about what “little people” think when you can always find an audience that agrees with you. When people will put up with your shit because you’re the one footing the bill. When expensive mistakes are pennies to you.
Exactly. Look at what happened with the OceanGate II Scandal. Stockton Rush, founder of the company was killed when he thought he could bend reality to his will. But the laws of physics can’t be bribed or bullied. They can be bent, but not broken. He was told by the manufacturer of the carbon fiber tube that was his submarine that it would not be suitable for use in a high pressure environment. He even fired his own safety guy because he never wanted to be told “no”.
Exactly. Good example.
The only difference between Musk and Rush is that Musk doesn’t board his own rockets if he thinks they’re going to kill him. Rush knew his little toy sub wasn’t safe. Not only that, but he convinced other rich idiots that it was and conned them into getting on board with him.
Apparently Space X and Tesla both have entire protocols and teams specifically set up to minimize Musk’s influence in the companies. I once read a story by somebody who interned at Space X who was told, as an intern, not to do anything Musk ordered him to do and to run it by his boss first. The reason Twitter is burning so badly is because there’s no team there to run Musk damage control, so he’s free to do whatever he wants and suffer the consequences.
I just wanna say: nobody should have this much money.
If we’re gonna make exception, make it for the doctors and surgeons. Don’t make it for the business owners who have people do all their work for them.
If he were some normal dork people would shun him or just tell him to shut the fuck up until the penny dropped and he moderated what he said. But since he is mega rich we get to enjoy his personality in all its terrible glory because there is nobody who can or would dare stand up to him.
And probably drugs.
It’s called “unwavering approval from your peers.”
We’d all be pieces of shit if our peers cheered us on for every bad thing we did.
It’s called money. Without moderation
Just normal drugs but in unlimited quantities.
It’s called sycophants.
Or when he died on his ass on SNL. Or when he appeared in a Rick & Morty episode and managed to kill it by his mere presence. He thinks he is edgy, funny and cool but he isn’t. Instead he is awkward, unfunny, weird and deeply unpopular for being a dick.
It’s all because he’s a dick. No amount of quirky, charisma can cover it up if deep down, he’s an evil asshole.
He was fine on rick and morty.
The other day I rewatched Iron Man 2, and that was the first time I realized Elon was in it. It was only for like 2 seconds, but still it caught me completely off guard
That’s when I realized Rick and Morty had gone to shit! It’s unfortunate, the first couple seasons were pretty good.
It wasn’t when it came out that the creator is a pedophile?
EDIT: I was apparently thinking of the co-creator,
Although, Dan Harmon did have that sketch where he raped a baby doll: I got the two mixed up.
Woah wait what? I only remember the voice actor beating his wife or something
Oh, I was apparently thinking about the co-creator. I thought he was the creator.
Although there was the Dan Harmon baby sketch.
Ah, I was thinking about Justin Roiland, co-creator.
Although there was the Dan Harmon baby sketch. I got the two confused.
for who knows why
You know looking back on the history of Dave Chappelle and his blatant misogyny, it’s not surprising in hindsight that he turned out to be a piece of shit. He doesn’t seem to be fond of the idea of minorities getting rights unless it is specifically the minority he belongs to. If this guy were a white man, he would be up on stage saying the n-word twice is often and screaming about how the radical left wants to cancel him.
Jesus fucking christ mate turn it in.
He did a comedy show where he repeatedly professed respect fir trans people but criticised the way some people behave, and you’re acting like he “isn’t fond or minorities getting rights”
It’s just fucking psychopathic gibberish with you lot.
If this guy was white he’d be racist against blacks.
What the fuck does that even mean?
He’s black.
Calm the fuck down.
What I am saying is that he is an incredibly hateful person, and the only reason why he Champions black civil rights or at least did during the time of the Chappelle show, is because he is black. If he wasn’t black, he would be a white supremacist, because it is in his nature to defend only that which is similar to him and Hate Everything else.
Also yeah I’m pretty sure the guy who said that he was on team TERF is down with trans people
You’re absolutely correct, but the point of that person’s comment was not to say true things but to articulate displeasure.
This place makes a lot more sense when you realize most of the crazier sounding posts are written by people who think like 12 year old girls.
I don’t think Dave Chappelle is a piece of shit. I think a lot of criticism towards him is exactly what his recent gripes about the alphabet people are about. He made fun of everyone and nobody cared, but when he makes fun of the LGBT then all of a sudden people like you say “he’s always been a bad guy.”
alphabet people
Guess we know why you think he’s funny.
Punching up, punching down theory, that’s the difference between mockery and joking. One is an offense the other is just comedy. Not all comedy is made equal. There’s also making fun of a situation and making fun of a person. The quality of a good comedian is having a good feel for these nuances and when a joke is one or the other.
The fact that you said alphabet people at all, shows me too much of your hand. Try keeping the mask off next time.
“What this advertising boycott is going to do is it’s going to kill the company, and the whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company and we will document it in great detail,” Musk said.
No need, you making twitter toxic to advertisers and the resulting fallout is already very well documented.
Even if it wasn’t obvious that he is the problem, he’s underestimating how many people think that toxic shithole has run its course already. Those advertisers might as well be cheered for it.
I actually really feel bad for Grimes now. If this is at all indicative of how he acts in personal relationships, he had to have been emotionally abusing and gaslighting her.
She chose to stay and have more than one child with him. I don’t feel sorry for her. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice though?
That’s true of plenty of abused women.
And a lot of them can’t be saved unless they’re willing to admit there is a problem and seek help. This is a woman who has a lot of resources at her disposal that a whole lot of domestic abuse victims regardless of gender do not have.
The fight we had after you caught me cheating killed our relationship. It’s your fault, and I’m going to tell all your friends.
What is this dude thinking? Who cares what he documents. What is he even talking about?
He’s defending himself… I guess, due to some antisemitic remarks he made recently and all his advertisers are bailing on xtwitter. So he said ‘fuck you’ to the advertisers and accused them of blackmail basically. So, ya know, billionaire fascist shit.
. So, ya know, billionaire fascist shit.
The flailing infantile tantruming of someone who is not used to facing repercussions for their actions.
I interpreted that as a veiled threat of reprisal against the companies boycotting it. Maybe that’s a darker way of thinking about it, but I wouldn’t be too surprised.
h eliterally said he had a graveyard full of his enemies.
I dont think you are being too dark in thinking hes threatening people for not obeying his brilliant magnificence.
Yea. It’s a very detached and odd statement he said, but I’m still wondering why not many are drawing the line to that. For the record I doubt he can do much damage to these corporations himself.
“I’m not wrong, it’s everyone else’s fault for not seeing how great I am.”
Lol what an idiot. Truly.
Pretty sure they can switch advertisers and pay everyone less if they really want to stay in business.
Heck, reducing salaries could actually make twitter profitable for once.
“Never go full Elon”
I’m going to start using this from now on
He seriously thinks the public will blame the former advertisers and be angry at them when the issue was obviously Musk running the company into the ground?
‘running the X into the ground’ actually has a term, it’s called elonning.
Where X declares a variable, not just Xitter
Yes… I just realised that X has two meanings now. Wait… 3.
X gon’ give it to ya
It applies to all his companies, not just X.
He’s elonning Tesla right now too.
Usually people with fuck-you money don’t literally, publicly say “fuck you” to their revenue streams. Usually.
When your that rich, they just let you do it.
Well, I doubt Disney will bring its ad business back to Xitter, but Musk is rich enough that he doesn’t have to care.
I wonder if hes going through a mental breakdown. Im all for him going down, but the way hes talking is weird.
Certainly nothing that a brain implant can solve…
And behaving. If not, then I believe he believes he is above all of this.
He’s been going through one for years now.
He’s the right age for a midlife crisis and a lot at that point can get triggered by growing mortality combined with a perceived lack of accomplishment in life. Additionally, as others have said, substance abuse is likely a factor in his life. A lot of wealthy people have huge substance abuse issues that their access to vast resources allows them to buffer most of the usual consequences of such. On top of all of that, he’s going through a divorce and child custody case with Grimes that is gearing up to be more toxic than a bottle of freshly pumped reactor four coolant water from the Chernobyl disaster.
Yeah I think mental breakdown is a pretty good bet. It is highly likely Musk has a substance abuse issue on top of all of that which is likely not helping anything. The wealthy in the United States do have some of the highest substance abuse rates because for many of them, their lifestyles and access to their vast wealth helps to buffer pretty much a lot of the usual consequences that people face with substance abuse issues. It wouldn’t surprise me the least to hear Musk diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder and that he’s largely avoided his “come to Jesus” moment in that due to his vast wealth.
the way hes talking is weird
Yeah, it looks exactly the same way my Aunt used to talk when she was heavy on psychedelics, including the body language. It’s a kind of disinhibition where the mind isn’t firing any of the parts that would usually guide a person on making thoughtful responses and keeping up with the current situation. Like Musk in the video constantly looks like he’s talking to someone out in the audience rather than responding to the person asking the questions but then after talking jets his head right back to the person asking questions like he’s asking “more fuel please”.
I would be surprised if all of this isn’t driven by some substance abuse. But that said, none of anything that’s happening is likely good for his mental state, even with his wealth all of this is likely taking a toll on his mental state. The drugs only beg the question of how aware he might be of his declining mental health. But he’d likely tell any doctor concerned about Musk’s mental state to go fuck themselves at this point.
Was this written by an AI?
It sure reads that way. Absolutely bizarre writing style
He’s so much like Trump. Except maybe even more childish somehow.
Because Trump, as weirdly as he may go about it, has made his way through life on his (inherited fortune from his from his crook of a father and) force of personality.
He gets people to do what he wants them to do by projecting an image, a brand, through the way he acts and speaks. Look at The Apprentice. He’s playing this role that says (without saying out loud), “Look at me. I’m a straight shooting, no nonsense business leader and my personality and business sense have brought me success, money, fame, luxury, and power. You want that too? You want to be like me? Then do what I say.”
Not saying it’s authentic or that it should work, but Trump’s entire existence is based on this tactic. He’s constantly projecting an image, and it’s that projection of that image that gets him his way. His force of personality is just as, if not more central to his power as his money (make no mistake, the money is necessary too).
This, in contrast with Musk, who’s typically cultivated his following based on ideas and drive. He gets people to go along with him because he’s seen as a modern day Edison (and to be fair, the comparison, in some ways, is apt… especially the less flattering ones), a groundbreaker, rules breaker…a visionary.
Simply put, among the people who follow these guys, people follow Musk for what he says (in terms of his big ideas), people follow Trump for the way he acts (in terms of the image he projects). It takes a strong set of blinders to ignore Musk’s sharing of his worse ideas and Trump’s less than impressive antics, but their respective cults have had plenty of practice in those mental gymnastics.
Thus you’re left with the mind boggling (to the rest of us) situation where Musk’s followers don’t care how he acts, because they are laser focused on his ideas, while Trump supporters couldn’t care less about the crazy or incoherent stuff he says, so long as he keeps projecting that macho, confident persona.
So that’s how Musk gets away with being “Trump, but more childish”: he’s not depending on the personality like Trump, so he can act that way without turning his supporters off, because they don’t care about that in the first place.
Musk’s entire angle is "it’s okay to be a humongous asshole if you achieve your goals.
Trump’s is, “It’s okay to be a humongous asshole, as long as you can sell it as arrogance bred from success.”
This is spot on accurate, Donald Trump is a Salesman who sells the character of trump. He knows that No Nonsense billionaires with a genius intellect who are well first in the art of the deal do not exist, but he will sell you the fantasy.
I daresay that Kevin O’Leary on Shark Tank makes a good case for one existing.
Funny enough O’Leary will also tell you he has lost money and that its a gambling game of trying to be smart and cautious which is what makes hime unpopular because he is too honest that you can lose.
I agree. It’s part of being no nonsense.
Yeah. Musk has gone funny in the head. Does he not know the concept of brand-safe content?
His perspective is like a kid kicking a sandcastle that he gave another kid $10 to buy because he thought it was neat.
What does he care if Twitter doesn’t make money? He is personally set for life, and the world would basically have to end for that to change.
Why does someone worth 11 digits of greenback currency have to understand what brand safe content is? He could shoot a man in the middle of the street and toss his equivalent of pennies to the witnesses and never see consequences.
All of this criticism he’s seeing on public airwaves, and his reaction, is revealing him for what he actually is: The single most richly spoiled baby in all of human history.
My guess is he probably knows more about it, than anyone else alive on earth today. /s
I hope his arrogance will be his downfall, and not just from being #1 richest person in the world, but to actual bankruptcy.
I don’t usually enjoy Schadenfreude, but Elon Musk has become such a cancer on humanity. I’ll make an exception.schadenfreude.googled it. Adding it to my lexicon. Gonna be a challenge to learn it by a few days of overuse but I’ll manage.
To me it’s such a cool word, because I live in Denmark, and the German word adopted among English speaker is near identical to the Danish equivalent “skadefryd”.
Maybe not obvious from the spelling for someone not familiar with both German and Danish.
It’s funny when words spread between languages. Not just new words, but old words that describe concepts.
Schadenfreude is a very nice to have in your vocabulary, but if you want something even better, you should absolutely have “hygge” too, that’s an even better word, and that’s 100% danish. 😀
The article says it’s also Norwegian, which is true, but we were originally 1 nation, and I’m probably a little bit biased in that regard.A fantastic word to sprinkle in whenever discussing world events or politics.
My guess is he probably knows more about it, than anyone else alive on earth today.
This is musk, not trump
The link I provided quotes him for saying:
“I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on earth.”
So this is both of them, and frankly there is very little difference between them. Musk just used to manage a better front, but he has thrown the mask.
I think he was always like this. It’s just he’s now ALWAYS in the limelight, and it’s much more visible.
People actually wrote books about how much of a genius this guy is
They were the real geniuses.
“Elon Musk is big smart the book - $30!”
“Wowowowowow hands over $30 dollars” x 1,000,000+ sales
30 million dollars.
And all it cost was some paper, ink and your integrity as an author.
Star Trek Discovery mentioned him in the same sentence as the Wright brothers.
Yeah, i actually don’t forgive them for this. Like, it dropped my opinion of the show by a bit.
Yeah, it’s the same for me, I mean I didn’t even hate Elmo that much when that episode came out, but I remember thinking that it was probably a bit premature and wouldn’t age well… I couldn’t have imagined how right I was.
The interviewer tried really hard (and failed) to hide his incredulity.
He’s got some real tweaky vibes going on in that clip.
Isn’t it pretty much an open secret that he heavily abuses drugs
He uses drugs for sure. Wouldn’t supprise me that he’s on methamphetamine by how much he supposedly works.
I picked up on that too but I thought it might just have been him trying to control his impulsive stupidity.
Is he balding again? Like, he looks like fucking Butt-Head. Or like a 🤡 without colors.