You would not. In the example given doesn’t even exist, no machine is listening on that address so it couldn’t possibly do any good if it wanted to
You would not. In the example given doesn’t even exist, no machine is listening on that address so it couldn’t possibly do any good if it wanted to
Setting the default gateway is unnecessary for a network of peers that are already on the subnet. It can only lead to problems as the hosts try to send every request outside their network to, which doesn’t even exist in this scenario
The poster you’re replying to is suggesting a static IP in the apipa range, not an apipa assigned ip. You’d already know a static IP because you set it yourself.
The “old internet” hasn’t gone away. It’s easier than ever for your average person to set up their own website. Look at all the shit you can do with WordPress, usually for free and usually with minimal technical knowledge or experience. Reddit/Facebook/Google/etc have done nothing at all to prevent people from doing that. The people still choose reddit/Facebook/google. I don’t know we’re supposed to change that without actually removing people’s freedom of choice.
I can’t imagine why lol
My guess is sociopathy. Same with politicians.
The psychopathy. This isn’t unique to CEOs, it applies to nearly anyone in a position of power since the dawn of time.
It was a server for an irl streamer so I expected it to be toxic. I did not expect that level of toxicity. A bunch of untreated sociopaths.
I reported a server where the users harassed, both online and offline, a trans woman who later killed herself. Then they made memes about her death. Discords ‘safety team’ suggested I talk to the server admin (who was part of the abuse) and closed the ticket.
Damn, I created a minor niche meme. And my teachers didn’t think I’d amount to anything
When I lost my job over the summer I put my resume on dice and immediately had 3-4 guys with Indian accents calling me every day. I found a new job within a week. I still get emails and texts though, can’t put the genie back in the bottle
I did, yeah. I thought the original flowchart was really childish and cringy so I made this and posted it on some Linux circlejerk sub on reddit. It didn’t get any traction, I’m shocked to see it pop up years later. I guess somebody must have liked it
Where’d you get that image? I made that 7 or 8 years ago. Has it been making the rounds? It’s weird to see it in the wild lol
Oh yeah? Well your butt smells LIKE A BUTT
Today, history was made. For the first time someone politely admitted they were wrong on the internet
CAN-SPAM is effective for legitimate businesses with something to lose. Several times I’ve ended up on a list with an unsubscribe link that doesn’t work (looking at you, Walgreens). I contact their support, and if they don’t do anything I send them an email demanding they remove me and cc’ing the federal trade commission and my states attorney general. Hasn’t failed yet.
Apple does have really nice boxes
If OP, freed from the confines of the corporate security suite, happens to get infected with a firmware or boot partition malware…
Postfix with MTA that filters maybe.
This provides very little of exchange’s functionality. The closest thing I’ve seen in the open source universe is zarafa, which crowbars activesync emulation into an imap/caldav/carddav infrastructure, badly I might add, and with 3-4x the complexity, maintenance cost, and attack surface. I wouldn’t even recommend it for a small business let alone a government agency with all the compliance regulations they have to deal with.
This is one case where Microsoft owns the market because they legitimately have the best tool for the job.
Nobody’s violating your rights by publishing an update to the software they provide. If you don’t like it android gives you an option to freeze apps at a particular version. You can let go of your pearls now.