If you can’t remember the IP address of every site you’d like to visit, you don’t deserve the internet.
Pro tip, You don’t have to remember it. I have all my favorite IPs in a nice address book, keep it in my drawer next to my passwords
My DNS Rolodex is beside my slide rule and abacus.
Ah yes. BIND v1.
My company actually used a whiteboard instead of a DNS for our internal network. We used it as a temp solution during setup, then 5 years later it was still in use. It worked quite well.
Oh, you like the internet? Name every IP address!
Don’t even get me started with IPv6!
::/0 ?
I know this one! All credit goes to FauxPseudo@lemmy.world
That is a forkbomb and you can’t convince me otherwise
i dare you to run it
I can’t say it isn’t a fork bomb, but it does happen to match IPv6 address with regex.
Ah, yes.
Thanks for the heads up, let me know if it’s fixed now.
Looks fine 👍
GPT4 was able to explain that
Unironically, I used to remember 3.
2 for servers with internet radios and 1 for google. But I forgot. Except remember 1 of the Google dns ones, only because when trouble shooting network issues it is my go to ip to ping so I know the instant I am connected again.
Oh, I forgot about DNS servers. Then I remember: - Google - Quad9 and - Regular Cloudflare and - Cloudflare “Malware blocking” and - Cloudflare “Malware and adult content blocking” and - NextDNSAnd I think 2960:fe::fe is also Quad9, but I’ll have to check. Nope, it’s 2620:fe::fe. So just the ones above.
Always have a few paperstickers with My favourite webpages.
DNS is hierarchical majesty.
That’s a cat who knows his networks
Why are catboys/girls and furries always the best at explaining stuff succinctly?? Lmao
They run the internet now so they really know how it works.
Maybe that skill is how they end up with suspiciously high amounts of money.
That or the fraud
Holy crap, this … This … Is very accurate…
Thank you for this
At first I thought this was a joke, but it’s actually informative 🤔
Right? This was so educational!
Holy fuck I forgot about this video. Classic.
Oh my fucking god, im in love
Tbh, if you can’t tap out Ethernet frames with a Morse key and decode the response by watching the blinking of an LED wired to the RX pair then you really don’t deserve to be on the internet. Git Gud.
My prediction is that we’ll go DNSSEC globally when IPv6 gets mainstream adoption. It sucks how many just don’t care enough.
when IPv6 gets mainstream adoption
At the current speed that would approximately be in 2087.
Whoa there, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
when IPv6 gets mainstream adoption.
After my death then. Alright, carry on.
The abysmal adoption of DNSSEC is just embarrassing, and I haven’t heard any good arguments for why we shouldn’t do it. There’s one blog post that gets passed around as justification for not adopting DNSSEC, but it doesn’t really go into any technical detail and is mostly just the author saying “I’m scared of governments and TLDs”… which is maybe fair, but you still have to trust them for regular CA certs and everything, so why not make thr base secure?
Honestly, I might care slightly more about DNSSEC than IPv6 adoption… IPv4 exhaustion and NATing everywhere sucks, but the fact that you can’t trust DNS is like… insane.
I use pigeons and let the wind tell me where to send them.
This might be funnier than all those Facebook accounts with warnings about “I do not authorize anyone to use my photos!”
Because they’re trying to copyright an internet comment that they posted on a service hosted by someone else, with a creative commons license attached. It’s like a step up in knowing how shit works, but still not knowing enough.
If you really want ownership over what you say… don’t post it on the fucking internet.
I mean, not really. You own the stuff you create regardless of who’s hosting it. Microsoft doesn’t own the copyright for the millions of projects hosted on GitHub either.
I use pigeons and let the wind tell me where to send them.
So is other guy gonna sue me now and win because I just copy and pasted what they said? This is a joke.
I mean, probably not. That’s such a short post, chances are courts wouldn’t find it copyrightable. And obviously attaching a license at the end of your comments is useless in practice, because no one on the internet actually properly engages with copyright law. Plus suing over copy-pasting someone’s social media post is dumb as hell and no one does that, tho I do think you could technically do it and win, because current copyright laws make zero sense if you actually stop and think about it for any amount of time.
current copyright laws make zero sense if you actually stop and think about it for any amount of time.
So true.
My lawyers will argue that this willful infringement of my rights as the orignal author of the famous 1997 Internet comment “So true” means that you now owe me $4000000 in damages, but I’ll settle for one bitcoin.
And yet Microsoft made Copilot, and there are currently lots of clueless programmers out there using it to inject code with god knows what licenses into their company’s software.
Which hasn’t been free of legal challenges. Current copyright law doesn’t account for machine learning, which is what allows them to do this. This could soon change.
They’re not going to be absolved of copying code verbatim without following its license.
they’ll be absolved because they’re a corporation
You own the original, which you’ve written on your pc or phone. But the one that ends up on the website is a copy, on which you’ve granted the website owner a non-revokable license to do with as they please ie. a copy-right.
Not really. You’ve granted the owner some rights, such as the right to host your content and present it to any user on the platform, but they don’t own it. Twitter can’t start using any art hosted on their platform for their branding, because it’s no theirs.
They can if the license you granted them says they can. Read it. These platforms usually make you grant then extensive rights. Yes they don’t own the content but given such broad permissions it makes very little practical difference.
Are you trying to… copyright your comment? IPoAC existed prior to your comment.
It’s not even a license, just an abbreviation that people may, or may not, be familiar with.
I really need a link to a blurb about the CC thing, but not today. Basically think AI.
Fair enough
There’s an RFC for that
TIL, thanks 😄
I have no doubt in my mind that there’s some subset of the suckless crowd that thinks dns is bloat
We should remove all those useless microservices! /s
No you don’t understand bro. DNS is a useless service that serves no purpose other than increasing attack surface for hackers. Who needs dns when you can just type ip address?
Lol … DNS is one of the pillars upon which the internets tands, a crumbling mess of a pillar but I’m sure glad we don’t have a name system built on hosts files 😹
As we all know, it’s always DNS.
It’s insecure, which lets governments like China poison it. They straight up block encrypted DNS
The EU regularly forces DNS server operators to remove entries or redirect certain domains. It’s super easy to circumvent but most users don’t know that.
I still remember that time some judge ruled to ban a IP belonging to Cloudflare and the internet was on fire for a day in my country.
The sites I’m thinking of never had their IPs completely blocked, the DNS entries for the domains were just removed. If you were to switch to a non-EU or self-hosted DNS server you’d get to the site.
But the domains in question are generally ones the US/EU/NATO propaganda machine has told people are bad, so there’s no outrage when they’re blocked. In many cases there are often cheers.
As long as there is an oversight and rules, I don’t have a problem with that
The rules are purposefully vague and interpreted to fit the particular political motives of the day.
It’s not insecure at all, quite the opposite. Also with DoH, it blends into regular traffic.
DoH is blocked in China, they cut any TLS connection to a known DNS server (,,, etc.)
@scroll_responsibly Laughing in my self-hosted services, on my VPS which use only IP address :blobcatjoy:
*Currently every service is also available via IPv6 :3
Embrace GNS.