The $1m is being donated personally by Tim Apple. Not from Apple Inc., so bears no relation to Apple’s revenue.
The $1m is being donated personally by Tim Apple. Not from Apple Inc., so bears no relation to Apple’s revenue.
You can actually (indirectly) torrent on iOS via seed box. I use SonicBit, which has an iOS app. I find it’s actually more convenient than torrenting directly as the files are stored and seeded online yet still accessible to me when I need them. Then you can download the files to your iPhone/iPad.
How can someone have four simultaneous citizenships?
My kids are entitled to 5 citizenships. 2 from me and 3 from their mum.
With the proliferation of actual illegal material on Signal
she sleeps with a piece of thorium under her pillow.
She thinks that nuclear radiation has healing properties
In a way she’s actually not wrong. That’s what radiotherapy is. Focused nuclear radiation to heal cancer.
Is that pronounced “shitter”? Very appropriate.
I live in Europe and I don’t use WhatsApp. Never have. Hasn’t been a problem for me.
Everything turns to shit in the end.