I’m back on lemmy. Hello, dumbfuck. Feel stupid yet? As inflation increased, job markets weakened, the housing market continued to be open sewage, industries had massive layoffs, the middle class is smaller and has less power than ever, and the public began to be more amenable to fascism because of economic strife, you still think the economy was doing a-ok? Still think the economists who use different definitions in order to try to capture the spirit of the meaning after the fact precisely because the same metrics don’t always tell the same story might just maybe consider using that word now? No? Ok, we’ll just pretend the gatekeeping of that word had no ulterior political motive that bit us all in the ass. Head back in the sand.
Tell me you don’t understand language and simultaneously logic without telling me
Mmm, beg to differ. Your whole position is tedious and pedantic.
It’s all anecdotal, folks.
I won’t vote for Trump, I just don’t like having to eat a shit pie and being told it’s french silk caramel, and if I say otherwise I’m Republican, Uneducated, or something else equally insulting.
Just because you’ve adapted to the lies doesn’t make them ok, nor the best version of what is possible
Negative hype can kill a product that could have been good.
Positive false hype can deceive people into wasting money.
Sure, complete honesty would be ideal, but if you say “well it sucks right now but we promise it will be ok when you buy it”, not many people would rush to order one.
And they shouldn’t. It’s just another way of saying “people acting rationally based on truthful information”
Many good products never made it to market because of insufficiently good perception.
That should be a separate issue. It’s not the only available path, just one often taken because it’s the most forgiving of shoddy business practices, doesn’t justify its existence, either.
On the flip side, creating positive hype out of smoke and mirrors can be used to kill a competitor’s product for no good reason, so it’s not quite ok either.
I think people are starting to realize the depth of corporate deception and bad-faith practices and how that affects everyone at large, and so they’re rightly tired of them and trying to reset it all back to simple, effective, and fair ethical standards.
Jobs: Ass
Apple: Ass
Engineers: overworked
Kentucky Yeeted Salmon
trash site
iT’s NoT a ReCeSsIoN (because we don’t like you having a word to call it, so we’re the ones who get to redefine it however we wish)
Yeah, without a disclaimer and evidence it’s modeled correctly it’s just straight misinformation at this point.
I hope they get pulled from the road. Problem is, he’ll just bribe some government officials
My problem is, due to systemic pressure, how under-trained and overworked could these people be? Under what time constraints will they be working? What will the oversight be? Sounds ripe for said slippery slope in practice.
i wanna see bobs and vegana
brown chicken brown coww
They do, but we’re a stupid species.