I’m not from the US so unfamiliar with any of this, but having followed the link to the Yotta website from the article, it is a… gambling site? What leap is missing that people would entrust their savings to gambling?
I’m not from the US so unfamiliar with any of this, but having followed the link to the Yotta website from the article, it is a… gambling site? What leap is missing that people would entrust their savings to gambling?
yeah this news is only disappointing for people who buy new computers every year (is that even a thing?). Whatever upgrades it has will also feature the last 4+ years of updates, so to someone coming from an M4 yeah yikes. But for my m1 max? it will be noticeable.
The suffix “fold” in this instance refers to the number of parts, not the number of folds. As confusing as that is.
I, too, predicted the downfall of Ello, where’s my praise?
see also: librewolf
okay so it’s not just me then! I’ve been seeing that zero matches page more and more. It used to be the other way around, if I couldnt find something on DDG or startpage it would be on google. how did they fuck up their indexing so badly