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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Using your example, I meant it in the sense that the DM could have just as easily said 30 minutes of following as a cat instead of 40 and you would have 25% more wildshape resources, an entire box extra.

    Things like Ki points can’t be fudged. You either use it or you don’t. This solution, while I enjoy the discourse, is going to end with the druid at my table saying that they’re only turning into a mouse for a few seconds while they scurry under the door. How do we handle that occurring 10+ times a session? At what point do we need too many house rules to govern this one rule change?

    In the interest of discussion, I’ll offer an alternative. What if you had Wildshape Charges instead of Wildshape Minutes? Feel free to change the numbers, but let’s say you have 8 charges at level 5, and gain 1 or 2 charges per level. It takes 4 charges to transform into a CR2 animal, 2 charges for a CR 1, and a flat 1 charge for anything below CR 1. The amount of time you can Wildshape stays the same, or is a flat hourly amount. This will allow you to strategically plan out your Wildshape Charges while adding no additional rules for the DM or table. Thoughts?

  • So for something like Jellyfin that you are sharing to multiple people you would suggest a VPS running a reverse proxy instead of using DDNS and port forwarding to expose your home IP?

    What VPS would you recommend? I would prefer to self host, but if that is too large of a security concern I think there is a real argument for a VPS.

  • Not bad. Hugely depends on what software, hardware, and firmware you use though.

    I used a guide by HomeNetworkingGuy to fully set my network up in OPNSense, my software, running on a Protecli Vault, my hardware, using FreeBSD, my firmware/bios. It took me a full day start to finish. VLANs were maybe 30-60mins of that time tops.