I seed around 5Tb monthly but that sounds interesting
I seed around 5Tb monthly but that sounds interesting
I don’t since I live in a third world country. Can seed at 1Gbps with no warnings whatsoever, 20€ monthly
How do I get rid of the annoying prompt at the top of the app?
Using any unofficial client like Nekogram
I think it can be removed via xposed, but there’s no modules available as far as I know
3 dot / settings / general / search > disable show voice Search
If only now we could remove the qr action button would be so nice, never used it and never will.
Asking real questions
How much money do you all think Apple paid Will Sattelberg to write this ‘article’?
Just a reminder that JavaScript was developed in 10 days, the same amount of time i spend fixing bugs when i just miss a “,”
That’s the funny part, it’s a botnet
Unironically it looks like a tv remote
Classic Google
Just a reminder that if you’re using Windows, it’s not your property but Microsoft’s one
Cannot reply to your question but there are more firefox versions and forks that support pull to refresh:
At least this CEO is not as prehistoric as Zoom one lol.
Anyways, if i worked for Amazon I would be looking for another job ASAP, i value my time a lot.
Just saw it does support custom add-on collections like Firefox beta and nightly… I’m going to give it a try
Edit: it supports startpage as search engine out of the box as well!
Does it support extensions like Firefox?
You are trying really hard to keep your micro manager position aren’t you?
This is ridiculous. CEO must be a nightmare of a boss
Amazing how this company is so successful knowing they’re just scamming their clients
I agree it’s good but maybe OP wants an open source alternative