“valuation” I suppose. The “value” that we project onto something whether that something has truly earned it.
“valuation” I suppose. The “value” that we project onto something whether that something has truly earned it.
It’s a likely outcome and taxpayers will bear the brunt. If we increased the civil payout to billions, I suspect there would be greater pressure to get this slimy fuck out ASAP because the cost is too high and actually stings enough to cause action.
Linux squashes root over ssh. An OEM could preinstall a sudo user to get around this but that kind of BS would be their death knell as a vendor.
Neither Linux nor Windows but it’s a sensible guess :)
Nothing to do with Windows? Are we sure about that? Asus is a Windows OEM that pre installs Windows and has enough privileged access to insert a surreptitious executable compiled specifically for Windows.
Yes, agreed, if they chose a *nix like OS and they had root, they could do the same thing and that would be equally shitty. It is Windows OEMs that exhibit this kind of fsckery and yes we do have a choice.
Windows is a choice. You made it. Congratulations.
Hyperbole until it isn’t. We used to think supposition of settled law being overturned was outlandish. The world has changed and incontinent orange man is now talking about buying Greenland. Hyperbole until it isn’t.
That’s what the dumb ass voters in the state voted for. That’s what they get.
I’m sure he had to dig deep to endure the smell of urine and feces as is popularly described.
Indeed. The games the govt plays with our money.
But this was one of the original shit replies that demonstrates the energy the person expends replying is greater than that of not replying at all. What will they do with all that self righteous energy now?
You wrote two sentences. The 2nd answers the first.
Well … um … you reported that he shouted in your headline but didn’t see the irony in what he was saying as you reported it. Nice job, Newsweek for supporting his statement through your actions.
Elections are theater as long as corporate campaign funding exists.
Yeah I’m going to go ahead and record this meeting. Please speak up if you object. Because we’ve provided so much psychological safety that there will surely be no judgement or fear of reprisal for those with any hesitation to swim in line with the corporate current. We’re also going to share files in this chat that you’ll have to catalogue and remember - so when someone refers to a nondescript file shared 3 weeks ago you’ll be forced to know exactly which chat and file you’re referring to. Also, put yourself on video. We appreciate face to face communication.
The switching cost point is profound and real. You might just see that same dynamic at your place of employment.
Or a variation of this is TailScale configured to use NextDNS and a TS exit node. That’s for anyone who doesn’t want to maintain a PiHole. I’ve done both. Personal choice.
They have a predatory business model. “Hey we’re cheaper than the competition”. Once you’re soaking in it and need features, they have options but it’ll cost you. I reckon they have slick sales people who know how to pander to the egos of middle management as well. You know … The people who don’t actually have to use the tool but sure like to feel like they somehow matter.
We might be headed toward the same conditions that spawned the French revolution. I’m not in favor of that but once the wealth transfer gets to a certain point there’s historical president to draw upon.
Oh shit. I didn’t actually think he’d try to usurp the entire judiciary and render it obsolete when I gave him unlimited presidential immunity. I gave the leopard water. Why would it try to eat my face?