The caching is the result of service workers which Firefox definitely supports.
edit: oh just scrolled down and saw you already commented that later.
The caching is the result of service workers which Firefox definitely supports.
edit: oh just scrolled down and saw you already commented that later.
Ok but local first p2p software doesn’t rely on centralized servers. So it’s not a huge deal if you don’t have always on servers. Hell you can probably avoid servers all together.
Right these are all tools and components for react native.
It ships with additional tooling around building and submitting your app to app stores, running your app while in development on your phone deployed via qr code, and a web based playground for quick prototyping and collaboration with others like a stackblitz type thing. It also comes with a number of apis for accessing the native maps, notifications, camera and gyroscope and other sensors, surface to draw with openGL/Skia and honestly a ton more.
I don’t know why you wouldn’t use expo if you are using react native. I’d feel like you were missing out on a lot
He bought a company that got bought by PayPal. He didn’t build anything he didn’t run anything. He bought an existing company that got bought out. At SpaceX and Tesla they have entire structures created to stop Elon from fucking up shit and to manage him. If you need your company organized to manage the owner and stop them from fucking shit up you don’t get to claim to be smart or to build amazing stuff. In every case it’s the engineers that build amazing things despite Elon’s involvement. Elon himself is an idiot.
Mistakes made when drunk and lonely
1.) Turns out this is no longer true because the cors issue is fixed as of two weeks ago.
But to answer your question:
Well that’s the really silly part about it. You see, the way CORS works is that it only works if the client making the request implements cors. In this case when I say client I’m talking about your web browser itself. Native applications, or hitting an API directly via network calls, don’t implement cors and thus you can make the calls all you want and the server responds. So even when cors was configured to only allow requests from the correct domain it only affected people with web browsers.
However two weeks ago a PR was merged into the Lemmy source code setting the cors to by default allow requests from anyone instead of a specific domain.
Turns out the cors issue was fixed the other week. Nevermind then.
Web front ends currently require a backend service that then routes to your intended destination because Lemmy servers by default are configured with cors to only allow requests from their intended domain. There is a PR to fix it but I don’t believe it’s been merged in. This may be out of date but that was true as of a few weeks ago per the dev of Voyager which is the web frontend I use
edit: this is no longer true. A PR 2 weeks ago fixed this issue and web front ends are able to work just as well as a native app now.
Yeah just because the author is fat and lazy and is surrounded by fat and lazy friends doesn’t make this true. This is one of those telling on yourself comments.
Also not a fan of the new name sorry. like others said it sounds too much like trying to be firefox
This is clearly a post talking about investing in engineering capabilities and prioritizing the retaining of talent and not a discussion around the ethics of the businesses involved.
Overuse of the spread operator and creating functions inside of functions are two of the biggest culprits of performance issues in modern is
I have it on good authority that the writers of the NYT have also read other news papers before. This blatant IP theft goes deeper than we could have ever imagined.