Did you throw the bug-out bag in the car and go? You can’t leave us hanging like that
Did you throw the bug-out bag in the car and go? You can’t leave us hanging like that
I WISH signal was ubiquitous. Half of my friends are still using Facebook Messenger so I still have to resort to using SMS for them
I have quite an extensive history of scraping web sites for various data over the years, I’d be happy to help you out but I can’t really know how to help without knowing what website your trying to scrape, different sites have their own challenges (maybe behind a login, or using JavaScript to load content - in which case a http response won’t give you what you’re after, or any number of things really).
If you give me a link to a book you want to download as an example I can take a look and help guide you through it
Our just play games on Linux. Wine/proton is shockingly good. I’ve never had an issue
Reaper works great on mint. Plus yabridge to use your windows plugins.
Your pessimism is more optimistic than my optimism
My never-purchase-anything-from-amazon lifestyle is vindicated on a daily basis at this point
I use my headphone jack daily. It’s nice to see there are still (albeit very few) manufacturers providing this
I miss using my old lg phones, I had the v30, v40, and v50 and they were basically perfect. Now when I shop for phones it’s like looking for the least bad option
Microsoft urges me to use a different operating system
Totally in the same boat. Less diversity and less content, but I don’t mind that. I like that I can can run out of content and it’s a nice reminder I’ve probably been on my phone too much and should do something else with my time. Using Lemmy feels healthier than using Reddit.
Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way, I go through a healthy amount of ketamine recreationally and I feel like it has almost the opposite effect. I feel very small, almost insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but in a really healthy and positive way. Like I’m no more important than anyone else