It’s bad and worse. People are so worried about keeping the worse party out of office that they refuse to criticize the bad party.
It’s bad and worse. People are so worried about keeping the worse party out of office that they refuse to criticize the bad party.
He’s not pro-gun.
I just said that.
Neither is he anti-gun.
I’m not very convinced of that.
“It takes so long to go to court to get the due process procedures I like taking the guns early like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida he had a lot of firearms and they saw everything to go to court would have taken a long, long time so you could exactly what you’re saying but take the guns first, go through due process second.” - Trump
He’s pro-Trump.
I wouldn’t argue with that.
Why take a chance on Biden getting replaced with a good candidate?
The bump stock ban overturned by the Supreme Court was put in place by Trump. He is not pro-gun.
What’s the felony charge for protesting called?
I read that he could be taken off the ballot in some places, but I haven’t verified that.
That’s not true. There are other felons with a chance at winning, they just haven’t been convicted yet.
Eating, getting dressed, and talking with real people are all good things for your mental health. Typing on a keyboard doesn’t help, otherwise we’d be the least depressed generation ever.
I agree that typing on a keyboard isn’t a substitute for therapy. Writing can serve as an creative outlet for emotion in the same way as music or painting.
I can’t imagine that you can get out of bed without waking your wife if your smartwatch vibrating wakes her up.
During the court-sanctioned intrusion, the DOJ “enabled temporary collection of non-content routing information” that would “expose GRU attempts to thwart the operation.” This did not “impact the routers’ normal functionality or collect legitimate user content information,” the DOJ claims.
I bet.
I am interested in the methodologies. I would like to see what studies use for a baseline in comparisons, whether they are comparing data collected today to data collected in the past, who is making the determination about whether a child has a mental illness or not, what role parents play in these sorts of studies, what sort of mental illnesses the studies look for or find, and the magnitude of the impact found by the studies.
I would also like to see exactly what you referred to as “unprecedented mental illness in kids.”
Have you read studies about how social media may be related to unprecedented mental illness in kids?
I’d like to see those studies.
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has abolished any requirement for applicants to use this ancient clicking and buzzing magnetic media when filing official documents. Until last week there were about 1,900 official governmental application procedures that stipulated businesses must submit floppies or CD-ROMs (specifically) containing supplementary data.
Verizon got caught installing spy hardware for the government in phone data centers in the mid-90’s.
There was no Verizon until 2000. It might have been Bell Atlantic.
debian in opposition to ubuntu gives you a choice at install
That’s nice.
KDE is the default DE for Debian these days?
It mentions “a source told the Seattle Times”, but…they didn’t. The Seattle Times was reporting on a purported whistleblower posting to a public forum (what you linked).
I think there are two sources.
The fuselage panel that blew off an Alaska Airlines jet earlier this month was removed for repair then reinstalled improperly by Boeing mechanics on the Renton final assembly line, a person familiar with the details of the work told The Seattle Times.
Last week, a different person — an anonymous whistleblower who appears to have access to Boeing’s manufacturing records of the work done assembling the specific Alaska Airlines jet that suffered the blowout — on an aviation website separately provided many additional details about how the door plug came to be removed and then mis-installed.
In the sense that it tries too hard to be progressive?
The Democrats are not fine.