I’m not sure what to read from the storage. From what I can see only the cookies are being used. (1 cookie)
Is there a way to tell when each of them are interacting with it?
I’m not sure what to read from the storage. From what I can see only the cookies are being used. (1 cookie)
Is there a way to tell when each of them are interacting with it?
Update: So far i’m down to 2 extensions:
600% sound volume
Memory still ballooned from 1GB to 5GB.
When I checked processes before closing, even after force unloading Youtube under processes, GPU was using around 1 GB. There was literally nothing else I could unload that would stop this.
Again I loaded all tabs just to be fair…GPU is using half of that currently. I’m also questioning the reliability of about:processes to an extent, because I couldn’t actually see what was adding up to the 5 GB I was seeing in task manager.
I also tried some advice I saw to just whitelist youtube, as it sounds like google does something regarding adblockers. But this did not seem to do anything noticable.
edit: based on another post, trying troubleshoot mode, though i’m always uncomfortable having all site blockers (ublock now) turned off.
I don’t know how to do that.
‘Improve Youtube!’
600% sound volume
Auto Tab Discard
Better TTV
Privacy Badger
Tampermonkey (No scripts enabled)
User-Agent Switcher and Manager
i’d say about 40 tabs, mix of:
Plain Firefox
It’s probably because I generally saw the sub shutdowns as a result of the protest, and not as an ongoing protest. Reddit clearly wasn’t in any talks with the mods at that point and vica versa.
Honestly i’ll just go with it being months. I’m basically just arguing semantics at this point.
I mean, I remember it being weeks myself.
But it’s not as if things went back to the way they were either. There were definitely effects due to those weeks.
Didn’t the animal tests lead to pretty bad deaths? And wasn’t that less than a year ago? I can’t imagine this going well.
Plus there was the blind-tech that was revealed not too long ago where now that they’re bankrupt the group is slowly going blind and worse. I feel like none of this is going to end well.
So really you’re only playing moderator because you’re for it, and don’t want people to vote against it.
Meanwhile someone will be eating gummies to cure themselves of some modern disease instead of using actual science-proven medication.
I mean, VR is a thing still. It’s just still niche at the moment. I don’t think it has to be the main way to enjoy entertainment.
That said, I’m pretty sure the glasses you want are AR, not VR (Augmented reality)
It’d be nice to trace an artwork back to it’s source. But I don’t think this is actually practical.
So basically they’re protecting you from something that’s only possible, because of something they shouldn’t have done.
?? Historically it’s been an issue where you need to prove you didn’t do it, because otherwise the companies would bury you in legal fees trying to defend yourself. You’re like…trying to argue an alternate universe to how this normally plays out.
That’s…not a legal excuse.
In fact that’;s an open and shut end to a project if you’re caught doing it.
Hasn’t ReactOS been accused of using code that was not reverse-engineered multiple times? If they became too big MS would probably just sue them.
Keep in mind that you are an experienced user of linux.
This site is probably about people who are both inexperienced, and also may not have time to adequately learn the system the way you have.
And no, as someone who has gone through Fedora, Mint, and Arch, saying they’re for “everyone” just assumes everyone is going to use linux the same way you do. Which is a huge mistake. Arch didn’t even have a normal installer up until a year ago, the process even with the arch wiki guide is completely unwieldy for most users to do. Many distros disable popular codecs by default, which a lot of users wouldn’t have the patience for. Some will have Nvidia drivers for up to date for gaming, and some won’t.
And most of all, you’re also running new users into the choice dilemma, where there’s so many options they just won’t know what to pick.
It kindof starts to snag in the GCN/PS2 era. Smash Bros Melee never gets to an adequate point for me, and Soul calibur 2 usually is fuzzy with slowdown on the windmill-esque level.
I don’t think I was able to get soul calibur 3 to work too well. The dreamcast version of PSO is much smoother than the GCN version, though GCN version is generally good enough.
Dreamcast/N64/Playstation era I’d say is the sweet spot where games aren’t going to have many issues that they wouldn’t have elsewhere.
I mean…if you want unmodded entirely, don’t you just go to 4chan?
You need some moderation and they can’t all be exploitive self entitled if that can be argeed on. it has be working somehow
Wanted to mention this seems to be fixed, but I was never able to find a tool that could tell me why it was occurring.
It was ultimately NTP (clock), but it was actually the router clock. I switched PCs and I think my original PC had software to talk to the router, which must’ve been setting the time. It seems like it changed to a completely different time at some point.
Changed it, then just released/renewed/flushed dns. I also manually turned on the time service at some point and ran a sync from the command prompt just to be safe. and everything is acting normally now.