keep seething .
keep seething .
keep waiting bitch
what about those mods they recently fired
i am waiting for day when google kill its search engine
i like now every change twitter makes there is verge article about it and somehow it get this much upvotes here . i just scrolled for 5 minute now i know twitter shadow banning is back and this lol.
all comments are just sad
if only everyone fight using drone but these drone will be used on human
i think $5.8 for only r&d and production cost 1000 craft will be different
its chinese ofcourse it is
if people who is eating them cant tell the difference than whats the point
water should be free
or thanks to android phone couse they were able to call for help
it did what is was supposed to do . you could have used any heart rate monitering device to give her data . you know androids also have these feature but we dont see news article about it or people saying my android device saved me .
its saves nearly every month a person . before it was apple accident detection feature before that it was apple watch and so on .
i fucking hate capitalism so much
but still relevent