Yeah thats why we make drivers get licenced.
Yeah thats why we make drivers get licenced.
The episode where Bender will explode if he says “Ass” is based of a Phillip K Dick short story.
There’s less stuff to hit in the air.
But why even limit it?
Yeah I’ve ran into this problem a few times now. I use my Occulus Quest on my PC and it needs USB 3.2 cables. The meta branded ones are crazy expensive but I found a third party one for fairly cheap.
I just got a Pixel 7 Pro and it needs a special powerblock to rapid charge. My Samsung block from my S10+ didn’t meet the requirements, I had to go back to the Essential Phones included charger. The USB-C port on my PC’s case is at normal speeds, but the port on the mono charges rapidly.
FYI it was newer by 2 years. I don’t think anyone is complaining about the performance of lightning over USB C, its that people want things to be standardized like everything non-apple is. Apple could have contributed to the USB C research and made a better cable that’s available to everyone, like IBM with the original USB or Phillips with HDMI.
Boo this man. How would limiting the speed of the port affect cost at all?
Bose pretty much wrote the book on noise cancelation.
Important to note that it’s not 25% spread evenly across the country. Oregon and Washington get almost all their power through hydroelectric and wind power.
Jet fuel is one of the few remaining applications of leaded fuel.
Yes that notably cheap Japanese and German labor is going to undercut Boeing.
Steve and crew do amazing work. They seem so genuine compared to 99% of the content on YouTube. Its like the Red Letter Media guys compared to all the other movie review channels.
Maybe its considering the size of the landmass, Maui is about 1.5 times bigger than Lolland.
Do I know this from Alan Wake 2 or My Summer Car?