People in London just walk in front of all cars all the time. Including me. That’s not an unpredictable behaviour, that’s a default and very predictable behaviour. If you’re in a car - you stop.
People in London just walk in front of all cars all the time. Including me. That’s not an unpredictable behaviour, that’s a default and very predictable behaviour. If you’re in a car - you stop.
P2P has insane latency and is not applicable to most industries. It’s a decent idea for back ups though. P2P also has insane energy costs. It’s not as bad as BitCoins, but it will destroy our planet for sure.
IQ tests are not necessarily flawed to assess current state of intelligence, but they cannot be used to compare intelligence today to intelligence a century ago. Because 100 IQ today is not the same as 100 IQ score a century ago.
Oh, you’re one of those “think of the kids” nutjobs!
Yes, that should be a user controlled thing, not an admin controlled instance wide thing.
One of the rules of creating a good database is to never delete any data.
The problem with your logic is that now you have to have multiple accounts across the “same bloody Lemmy”. That kills the whole purpose of a decentralised approach. Defederation should not be a thing at all.
That’s what all artists have done since the dawn of ages.
How would I know without looking at the app binary?
That’s not due to kotlin.
Every decent piece of software has crap loads of resources: icons, texts, translations, manuals, sounds, fonts, etc. Even hello world app contains at least one resource - “hello world” string and what’s funny is that executable meta data required by operating systems and the string take more space than the actual code to print this string.
Most resources are not consumed by wonky code or dependencies. Most resources are consumed by images and sounds.
Kotlin doesn’t have much impact on binary size.
I wouldn’t. That would be covered under the force majeure clause, so no need to pay anything to Tesla, but you can increase premiums by a lot and earn crap loads doing absolutely nothing.
That doesn’t mean they understand that term.
There’s nothing liberal about US “democracy”.
Do you really think that the previous poster understands that? I highly doubt that.
Why would he need a “pass through person”? Man, the ignorance of lemmings is incredible…
Tesla is a public company. The public owns it.
People inciting violence should be banned 100%.