Third arm: Every fucking human
Sick and tired of autism gang ™ laying claim to totally normal human behavior just because they have a mental developmental disfigurement.
Third arm: Every fucking human
Sick and tired of autism gang ™ laying claim to totally normal human behavior just because they have a mental developmental disfigurement.
I really like my tall boi mark V so I’m a bit disappointed they’re moving away from the 21:9 aspect ratio.
Edit: Not that it is utilized at all. They’re after all a Japanese company. Implementing really cool things with no clue as to why they did it or why anyone would be excited about it is kind of their thing.
It would be so cool to be able to snap photos in this format but no.
Never. It’s never stealing.
Ikea electronics and batteries are almost always high quality. It’s not their bread winner so it would be stupid to skimp on them and risk their reputation.
When I started in support 15 years ago my boss said: “First you solve the person, then you solve the problem”.
He was a good dude.
Just join the EU and you’ll get it. Share some of that sweet, sweet oil money.
I wish Linux was more mature. Even as a systems and network administrator with 10+ years of experience working with both Linux and Windows in an enterprise environment, my private desktop Linux installs still occasionally bork themselves for no good reason and require a reinstall. Linux just doesn’t like it when you do stuff with it.
No! If it doesn’t immediately solve the issue completely without any drawbacks it must be scrapped and no one should work to improve it!
Best regards,
Every conservative party (and their corporate sponsors).
I accidentally signed up with two different emails and got in within a week on both. You sure you signed up with a functioning email address?
A bit taller but about the same width (3.8mm wider for Xperia 10 V).
Both Sony and Asus make great small phones.
Ah yes. The old “this isn’t an optimal solution that will solve all problems so no one should be working on it”-argument. You must be fun at parties.
Gatekeeping discussions on poverty. Cool.
Problem is when you start grifting kids. They can’t exactly consent. Same issue with any religion/grift really. If it’s aimed at a child it’s abuse.
About 1 month salary here. Even less when they had a sale so it was a no brainier for me and my gf since we live and work in the city. Sold my car years ago. More conviniet and cheaper to just rent in the rare cases we need one.
Glad I bought a RadRunner instead. Even now when they’ve left the European market (why are e-bike companies so poor at running their business?) I can still get parts from wherever as it’s a pretty modular and tweakable system.
I put great effort into masturbation yet receive no compensation either. What’s your point?
Sick of parasites profiting from works made by people who died half a century ago. Can’t they do anything of value with their lives instead? Maybe something that benefits society instead of being a burden on it?
News from a part of the world no one really gives a shit about. The ones who did already moved years ago and are currently working as software developers in some nordic country.
And nothing of value was lost