I’ve tried it a dozen or so times, maybe worked 2-3 of them. I keep it in my arsenal of tricks because it’s quick and easy to try with no negative repercussions if it doesn’t work.
I’ve tried it a dozen or so times, maybe worked 2-3 of them. I keep it in my arsenal of tricks because it’s quick and easy to try with no negative repercussions if it doesn’t work.
Old life hack that occasionally works for this is to use a rubber band. Grab a rubber band wide enough to cover the screw head, push the screwdriver into the screw through the rubber band, and pray it has enough grip to twist the screw loose. Good luck with whatever method you use.
How many rounds did he fire before losing his hearing entirely?
I ask because I have fired thousands of rounds, probably even tens of thousands of rounds through AR platforms without wearing hearing protection (while in service), and I only have mild hearing damage.
It certainly would be if he and his cronies believed these were legitimate charges, but instead, they like to live in make-believe land where this has all been a political stunt orchestrated by Biden to tarnish Trump’s good name prior to the upcoming election. It’s a witch hunt, a kangaroo court, made-up crimes just to label him a criminal, and so many more nonsensical mental gymnastics to twist reality into something that’s in line with their feels. Yes, he is now a convicted felon, but other than the label and an anticipated fine, I don’t think anything will change moving forward because of this.
I’m predicting the sentence right now… maximum fine of $170k, no jail time, and probably some form of probation… yay for justice.
Most gas-powered leaf blowers use two-cycle engines, which produce hundreds of times more hazardous pollutants and fine particulates than cars. Leaf blowers overtook automobiles as the number one source of air pollution in California during 2020.
Why would they? That doesn’t sound profitable. /s