I’m just getting ahead of the curve. In 10 years everyone will be making videos about how windows 11 wasn’t really that bad like how they did with Vista a few years ago and are about 8 right now. I just want to be able to relate to the videos.
I’m just getting ahead of the curve. In 10 years everyone will be making videos about how windows 11 wasn’t really that bad like how they did with Vista a few years ago and are about 8 right now. I just want to be able to relate to the videos.
Thank God. I love seeing that place die
Every thinkpad released in the last 5 years has had screens with 100% adobe rgb color accuracy. They’re almost all at least brighter than 300 nits. Some brighter than 400. They’re objectively incredible screens. 1366x768 hasn’t been the standard in a long time. 1440p has been an option for a long time too. As far back as the t460 or the first gen x1 carbon like 10 years ago. The last ThinkPad I can see where 1366x768 was even an option was the t490 in 2017. After that they moved onto 16:10 screens and made 1920x1200 the minimum. Hell even 1800p OLED screens have been available in some models for 7 years. The t570 and p50 both have 4k screens and they’ve been available for about 7 years as well.
Lenovo keeps doing this. I’m still upset we didn’t get the y700.
It is when a free alternative which offers more features and is easier to set up exists.
What I really want to know is what you guys use for getting torrents for entire seasons of shows, or even the entire show at once. I’m not new to piracy, I’m just new to talking about it with people.
I mean this post has 1200 upvotes. Considering most people don’t engage with the voting system that makes me think that there’s a decent amount of people here. At the very least it means there’s a lot of people here who engage with the community. More come every day. If this post were on Reddit, it would be on r/all right now. That’s not bad for a community with a fraction of the users.
I think that in 10 years this place will be doing alright. I think the growth that’s happened in the last few months won’t last, but I think that growth will still steadily happen. The reddexodus doesn’t happen every day but with most social media platforms shitting their geriatric pants more and more lately, I think a consistent flow of refugees will come here.
I hope so, but only if the option to install other OS’s remains an easy option. I love android but installing a different operating system on my phone is so much of a pain in the dick that it’s not even worth it.
I feel like I’d probably avoid a handheld if the option to install windows wasn’t there, even if I don’t end up using it much.
If my choice was a default windows install with the option to install steamOS myself, or a default steamOS install with no other options, I’m choosing the windows install every time.
This is how my poor grandmother must feel all the time. I’m slowly trying to understand it all. I’ve got most of lemmy figured out so far I think. But there’s a lot more to this.
Don’t be so hard on yourself guy. You’re way better than Vista and 8.0