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Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • That’s an interesting article, but it was published in 2022, before LLMs were a thing on anyone’s radar. The results are still incredibly impressive without a doubt, but based on how the researchers explain it, it looks like it was accomplished using deep learning, which isn’t the same as LLMs. Though they’re not entirely unrelated.

    Opaque and confusing terminology in this space also just makes it very difficult to determine who or which systems or technology are actually making these advancements. As far as I’m concerned none of this is actual AI, just very powerful algorithmic prediction models. So the claims that an AI system itself has made unique technological advancements, when they are incapable of independent creativity, to me proves that nearly all their touted benefits are still entirely hypothetical right now.

  • The article explains the problems in great detail.

    Here’s just one small section of the text which describes some of them:

    All of this certainly makes knowledge and literature more accessible, but it relies entirely on the people who create that knowledge and literature in the first place—that labor that takes time, expertise, and often money. Worse, generative-AI chatbots are presented as oracles that have “learned” from their training data and often don’t cite sources (or cite imaginary sources). This decontextualizes knowledge, prevents humans from collaborating, and makes it harder for writers and researchers to build a reputation and engage in healthy intellectual debate. Generative-AI companies say that their chatbots will themselves make scientific advancements, but those claims are purely hypothetical.

    (I originally put this as a top-level comment, my bad.)

  • Sure, go ahead and demean one of the most popular and beloved politicians in office. That‘ll totally make people listen to you. AOC is the single best communicator the Democrats have on their bench. Other Democrats need to be learning from her and making more space for her style of leadership, not talking shit about her. That’s yet another thing they failed to learn from the 2024 election.

    I think it’s pretty telling that to much of the progressive and leftist base, Slotkin comes across as a Republican from the 1990’s (with all her Reagan-worship crap) and is generally not a particularly popular politician outside of neoliberal DC power circles. While on the other hand, AOC is incredibly popular across the nation, and is widely liked and respected not only because she comes across as a real genuine human being, but because her ideas and political approach appeal to almost everyone, including many Republicans. I heard some interviews with Trump voters where they were asked how they felt about AOC, and a surprising number of them said they agreed with a lot, but not all of her opinions, but they consistently said they respected her because they believed she meant what she said and that she seemed to genuinely care about the right groups of people.

    From the end of the article:

    Ocasio-Cortez “best reflects the core values” of the Democratic Party, a CNN poll of voters recently found.

  • Your description of those desks totally knocked some of my old memories loose. I remember going to a friend’s house in the late 90s when the first smallish “all-in-one” PCs started coming on the market (before the iMac claimed that space in ‘98). They had their new all-in-one PC set up on a tiny desk in the hallway outside their office. It was there so everyone in the family could use it, but I remember being shocked at how small it was, and so impressed that it didn’t need the whole corner of a room.

  • I think you are underestimating the power of empathy. I mean this constructively, not as an attack. In my opinion, it’s the single most important emotion for leading a fulfilling life, maintaining healthy relationships, and contributing to and living in a healthy society. The cool thing about empathy is that almost everyone can learn how to do it, even if it doesn’t come naturally. Think of it like a muscle you need to exercise. If you don’t use it regularly, your abilities can atrophy.

    You’ve already recognized that you’re not great at empathy, which shows that you are capable of self-awareness, which is huge! The next step is just to find a way to turn that awareness inside out and put yourself in other peoples’ shoes.

    The fact that you’re wrestling with the issues you bring up, shows me that you do care about these things. So I think it could be valuable to interrogate what specific things you do and don’t care about when it comes to all the things you mentioned. If you do that with empathy for others always in mind, I think most of your concerns will resolve themselves.

    Cultivating Empathy

  • It’s close, and malapropisms are great too, but they rely on a similar-sounding incorrect word being used in place of the correct word, usually resulting in hilarity. Your example is also hilarious, but I don’t think it counts as a malapropism, not to get all linguistically technical (okay, I will lol). Rick Perry saying states are “lavatories of innovation and democracy” instead of “laboratories” is a perfect and awesome example.

    The genius of @ShinkanTrain@lemmy.ml’s comment was that they combined two relevant proverbs into a single equally relevant but hilarious one: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” + “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” = brilliance

  • As much as I wanted her to get rid of him, because he’s clearly a corrupt asshole, she isn’t the kind of politician to take a risk like that. She has shown herself to be a very weak governor. I’m also not sure if I’m okay with “our side” acting like authoritarians because the other branches are unwilling or unable to act through the proper process. She has the power, and he’s a piece of shit, but he was duly elected and primaries aren’t too far off (July I think). New Yorkers definitely won’t give him the job again. Though they’ll probably vote in another shitty mayor, the city has a laughably bad track record.

    I think the best we can hope for is Judge Ho deciding to dismiss the case with prejudice effectively removing the Sword of Damocles from over Adams’ head. (The corrupt prosecutors asked for without prejudice.) That wouldn’t be ideal, because Adams’ would be off the hook completely, but at least it’d take away Trump’s leverage. And voters would finish the job by primarying him in a few months.

    It all sucks major corrupt ass no matter how you sniff it.

  • Human and AGI collaboration might be interesting, if ever real AI actually develops. But I wouldn’t call augmenting or probing of existing works of fiction with rehashed LLM sludge collaboration, I’d call it glorified and advanced plagiarism at worst, and low quality cliff notes at best.

    I would much rather read a work of creative fiction from a human being than to encounter autocorrect word predictions written into paragraphs. The idea that the text itself can be queried to gain additional meaning divorced from the author’s intention strikes me as unrealistic and not faithful to the person who originally crafted the words.

    Though I’m obviously biased against LLMs being used for this kind of thing, from lots of experience seeing how crappy they are.