Well, it’s somewhat color dependent.
Well, it’s somewhat color dependent.
This is the same crime that Michael Cohen got three years in prison for. A crime he committed solely to benefit Trump. It makes no sense.
Politicians in particular should be rethinking about how much they really want to be complete shitheads in public. Perhaps turn down the glee when they enact harmful legislation as well.
I wonder if the bags are made of plastic from 3M.
If he’s that wacked out on drugs maybe he shouldn’t have access to guns.
Book value per share is around $1.50. However, they don’t make any profit so the actual value of the company is considerably less. In my opinion, not financial advice.
I’d have less of a problem with mentally disabled people if they would stop running for president.
That´s just what a plastic brain would think.
Biden is commander in chief. He can just order them to clean it up.
If he can refrain from saying the N-word I’ll be mighty impressed.
Buffalo wings aren’t made from real Buffalo, either. Hell, most Buffalo can’t even fly.
Or, hear me out, the man is a hypocrite who preaches morality but has no problem using a preteen girl to gratify his sexual desires.
Those fish are going to have quite a story to tell their friends when they get home.
If I were evil and had physical access to these payment systems I’d start by doing the obvious of changing passwords and install backdoors so I’d have permanent access. Then I think I’d start encrypting the database of payees to guarantee complete irreversable control over who gets paid.
But I’m not evil and don’t have access, just playing devil’s advocate.