I’m already not watching the Superbowl because it has cheaters. First time in 15 years.
I’m already not watching the Superbowl because it has cheaters. First time in 15 years.
Part of being a senior developer is knowing when to act. Can you do it? Probably. Is it worth the time and money? No.
I enjoy refactoring and making legacy code better.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
The DMR in call of duty years ago. “Here’s a bug with a gun that instakills from 4 miles away that breaks the game dynamics. It’s literally unplayable. Instead we added more features that make us money.”
There’s a udemy course by Maximilian that is only $20 that helped me immensely. Highly recommend.
Like destroying Twitter in 2 years?
Interesting. I actually thought of it as a replacement for Google. With Google search being broken for years it’s the only easy way to get information now.
Maybe if we had an election system that wasn’t broken we wouldn’t need to worry about the Greens.
You realize love can also mean you strongly like it, right? I love pizza and wings. So what’s exactly going though your mind when I take it home?
Damn she has a ton of these helpful tech guides on her site under “Comics”.
Well, you see, it’s what Kamala is. And it’s very bad. Terrible for our country. We are a failing country because of it. So many people have come to me with tears in their eyes saying sir you need to protect us from her. It’s a terrible thing.
This guy definitely does not fuck.
I mean I would too. Capitalize on the shitty injustice you were given. He deserves it.
Are you saying he hired the police?
I use a Java backend with a React frontend at work. It works fine with us and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
If Greendale Community College was a University.
What are you going to do in the bathroom? Just stare at the wall like a caveman?
Nah fuck the parents. Thoughts and prayers for the kid.