Huh, I have never heard of such a thing! Sounds very annoying to say the least
Huh, I have never heard of such a thing! Sounds very annoying to say the least
Surely that’s the vaccine, not the needle?
DM me hun x
If this is the same startup I read about a while ago… Well the technology doesn’t actually exist. There’s a vague suggestion that maybe lucid dreams could be induced through techniques that are not properly understood yet, and that’s about it.
If shareholders’ profits are affected then so will the decisions lol
Mm, I’ve already seen marketers present outputs from GPT models as if it’s useful customer feedback. My suspicion is this bubble will burst though, because at some point it will become clear that they are not as good as what they’re doing as execs have been told they are.
And his face half stopped aging! Wild story, always love being reminded of this guy.
Yeah, it’s just back exactly to the problem the article points out - refined bullshit is still bullshit. You still need to teach your LLM how to talk, so it still needs that cast bullshit input into its “base” before you feed it the “grounding” or whatever… And since it doesn’t actually understand any of that grounding it’s just yet more bullshit.
Haha, good point. I can’t say I find, for example, Nazi views being downvoted a bad thing, no matter how reasonably they are presented.
Hmmm, yes … “Scientists are researching a device” aka “this device does not exist nor does the technology required to build it”
Omg this might actually be a good reason to get back on twitter
I mean, good luck with that. It’s near enough impossible to completely remove bias from any source of information… I think Wikipedia does a fairly good job, honestly, and the talk pages mean you can see different perspectives fairly openly.
Do you have an example? Just curious.
Personally I’d rather have crowd sourced bias than the bias of one really rich dude anyways.
The MCU shows (not you, Secret Invasion) have been the best thing they’ve put out over the past few years. I am speaking as an MCU addict… can’t really call myself a fan since the films mostly suck these days but I’ll still watch em… yo ho ho
Really thought from the picture that the mother roomba was deploying a swarm of cleaning bots to cover more ground.
Lamps aren’t female in French, they’re feminine but this is purely grammatical and doesn’t imply any social gender. It’s just part of the word - see “fleuve” and “rivière”, both words meaning river, one masculine one feminine.
It’s not a person, doesn’t have any sort of social characteristics, so it doesn’t have a gender any more than a lamp with a very convincing fake beard.
Once upon a time I dual booted every computer I had. Not sure why I fell out of the habit really.
I’m not going to try and argue that I’m not being lazy, but the actual process of installing the OS is the least onerous part. Software beats it by a mile.
Isn’t the point that you don’t have a choice to just buy a house, because there are obstacles that prevent it. In the same way, I don’t have a choice to use Linux or whatever other foss alternative to the stuff I use daily because my laptop is owned by the company I work for and their policies dictate that it runs windows etc.