Yup. I’m Bo7a.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • I bought some land and spent the last 3 years converting it into something usable for an intentional community.

    Community I always thought the hardest part would be getting the land drilling a well sitting up solar etc. in fact, the hardest part is convincing people that you are serious about letting them come live on your land as long as they help work.

    I’ve even taken to offering one dollar 99 year leases so that people could feel like they have some agency over the piece of land they choose to live on.

    No bites yet

  • I feel this - I’m often on the other end working with data from clinicians in the field for massive studies. The forms that come in can have an infinite number of possibilities just for noting sex. Enough so that our semantic layer needs a human reviewer because we keep finding new ways field clinicians have of noting this. Now imagine that over the whole gamut of identifiers.

    tl:dr - Humans are almost always the problem in data harmonization.

  • Why even type this out?

    Do you just like arguing stupid points for fun even when you know yourself that you are wrong?

    Have you never seen an automotive touchscreen before?

    Even within one model/brand there are a ton of panes, and layouts. And even when you choose one layout, which apps are open changes the location and size of the buttons. Now add into that multiple brands, models, layout, and years… And your comment gets more worthless at every step.

    Beyond that. The screen doesn’t use haptic feedback to tell you where your fingers are so that the parts of your brain that evolved to handle that kind of context can use it without your fucking eyes. ‘Oh I touched the round thing, I know there are 4 rectangles next to this’ is a built-in feedback loop that a touchscreen does not provide at this time.