I’m getting adverts for prostate cancer and kids book charities. You are just a perv clearly. /s
I’m getting adverts for prostate cancer and kids book charities. You are just a perv clearly. /s
90pc of any google search is someone thinking im going to watch 4 minute video for the paragraph of text i require.
The first thing to go on a washing machine is usually the bearings. Most washing machines now have their bearings attached to the drum, so to replace the bearing, the whole drum has to be replaced. Replacing the drum is near the entire cost of a new washing machine and you will likely have to pay for 0.5 to .75 days worth of labour to have the old drum replaced too.
Yeah fuck these shinty designs to force consumers into buying and dumping otherwise easily repairable and reusable machines.
I go on twitter now and 3/4 of adverts are AI scams or 2009 click bait with fuckin community notes explaining that remembering a set of politicians names is not linked to hi iq, as claimed by the clickbait advert.
Then there is the ‘verified’ accounts that are doing genuine harm at misinformation spread.
Yeah I’m not trusting ol musky chuckles with my money. And that’s coming from someone who uses traditional banks despite having witnessed their government bail out banks multiple times after they were fucking reckless to the point of needing a bailout.
This is what people said with password sharing though.
Adverts set to 137pc volume is absolutely crackers.
Oh sheesh I hipe this doesn’t change on the Web browser.
Ads have gotten way worse in quality. I keep seeing stuff that makes Temu look like top tier. Recently community notes jhave added context noting these adverts are for dropshipping services and there is no guarantee you will get the advertised product.
That and so many funking places wanting my email to send me top tips on life, money, crypto or w.e.
I’m genuinely glad when I see a normal funking advert for pizza or a charity or a film, there’s something happening with that dicaprio guy and scorsee director.
You are incorrect though. Netflix and Uber (or any ride sharing app) have shown once people are hooked they will pay the increased rate to consume the product.
Everytime I use this my WiFi stops working on my mobile.
What happened to the influencer guy. He started out selling alcohol or something and then had random videos where he bamboozes someone doing a house clearance and got excited for making 36 dollars off a box of toys, then went on to shill the ever fuck of fungible tokens, it’s the future.
Gary z? Gary V?
Yeah cool post it notes for several hundred sites.
The rise of a pass phrase is more to do with mitigating the human risk in security which is people using memorable passwords. So a passphrase is typically easier to remember. That’s the theory anyway.
I wish I could operate at a loss and be given billions of pounds.
No idea if I can share it, it’s just what I’ve manually blocked over the years.
Yes but now you pay for that service. So it’s fine.
Just a wee selection of my block list: bots, thirst traps, bitcoin bro, invest bros, marketing bros, dating stuff and far too much gambling.
I mean twitter must be down on ad revenue by the amount of gambling sites I block alone. Surely I was just about to sign up and gamble on the big South match between the irresistible Portsmouth v the unmovable object that is Southhampton.
I feel like the advertiser would rather I engage with their betting site instead of me blocking them. I get such trashy looking betting adverts now, none of the major betting shops as they are blocked.
He’s gunna be gutted when he finds out xvideos is already taken.