Well. O. K. Then it’s my not the 'USA" that did this anymore. It’s to be called “North Mexico” now. Fair’s fair.
Well. O. K. Then it’s my not the 'USA" that did this anymore. It’s to be called “North Mexico” now. Fair’s fair.
Wanna cut govt spending for real? The defense department. And petroleum subsidies.
Wow Lotta folks gonna discover that LibreOffice is much better than MS Office. Not to mention, free.
You’re talking as if Garland wasn’t a Republican himself.
It’s not gonna be hard to find bibles in Texas when they’re beating people over the head with it so often.
Yeah, because they haven’t been making enough money
Can anyone tell me how to cancel Spotify service? I went to their website, but it wouldn’t let me in without installing or logging into their app. And from their app I can’t find a way to cancel!
I wonder who was next in line to be CEO at that outfit? Seems like a great setup to use a hired, trained hit man along with some inscribed bullets to make it seem like a political asassination. In other words, if maybe this wasn’t revenge: who all would benefit from this CEO’s demise?
Wow. Dark haired male in dark hooded jacket and back pack. Rare. I see slightly less than 30 such most days.
Well, the majority of the voting public were pretty clear about not giving a shit about using pardon power for family or even former henchmen. If it’s ok to not only pardon your son-in-law’s dad, but to also give him a plum European diplomatic post (!), it’s ok for any other president as well, no?
Doesn’t need much thought. When has a tariff or import tax ever not resulted in higher prices? How could it NOT??
“no evidence”. As if Trump’s campaign wouldn’t be doing countless ads with videos of such an event if it had happened.
Came to these comments hoping to see some thoughts about what this evidence includes. But none. Is no one even curious??
Next up: Republican politician complains about the cost efficiency of government.
When did Presidential power start to include the power to jail whoever you want? Why does anyone even imagine that might be an ok situation?
I lost any general respect for nearly half of my fellow citizens in 2016, it hasnt improved a lot since.
So. Unless you have permission to be on someone’s private real estate, to you’re now forbidden to sleep. Nothing dystopian about that.
If Trump is going to challenge Biden to a mental coherency test, why doesn’t Biden challenge Trump to a bicycle race or a 2k run? After all, Trump has declared himself the healthiest President in history. (But a race like that would have good possibility of causing Trump a heart attack… which would of course be an unfortunate outcome).
No, according to DJT, “very innocent”, which is as reassuring as “a little bit pregnant”.
Or Xitler.
And he and Elon keep the rest?