How long before the devs or an extension give us the option to manually distrust CAs?
How long before the devs or an extension give us the option to manually distrust CAs?
What can we do about it? Especially if we’re not EU citizens?
ROFL! I haven’t heard boobtube since the 70s! 😂
Thanks. It’s going to be an interesting case at trial.
Yes, and even easier with their app. It just seems strange.
How does a free news service have a paywall?
It runs quite nicely on my Pi 3 with Apache and no Docker. I only use cloud storage, but the rest seems to work fine if needed. Maybe switching to a supported configuration would help?
Good educators incorporate tech into their lessons. UNESCO isn’t helping it’s credibility crisis with such positions.
We really need a way to block entire instances at the user level.
Valid points. I was thinking of using a second drive. That way you’d still have this one to troubleshoot and learn from.
Could it be a failing/failed drive? Maybe try making a new bootable flash drive and see what happens.
That’s really good to know. Thanks!
I’ve participated in their SETI and cancer research projects in the past. It’s a good cause, and I don’t mind making a donation.
I did think the BOINC project was shut down, though. Good to know it’s still going.
Thanks, I didn’t know what that tool is called. I don’t find it very useful.
Thanks, I didn’t know what it’s called. I agree that the block editor is unusable. Honestly, it reminds me of GeoCities. I wouldn’t consider it progress.
People with nothing to hide? ::duckingandrunning::
But seriously, excellent question. I certainly don’t post anything even remotely controversial from an account with my real name.
Why can’t the UK govt simply rent their spyware from Israel, like everyone else?
Good to know. Thanks