I want to give all women tazers so they can scream “Your nuts my volts” while the “alpha male” squirms on the ground
I want to give all women tazers so they can scream “Your nuts my volts” while the “alpha male” squirms on the ground
Other than to his reputation as an “alpha male”. And in his “business” that loss may well cost him his livelihood.
We live in hope.
In the event of Mozilla going under
Far less likely than Microsoft “going under” but sure, let’s pretend that’s a giant concern for the users.
I have just discovered, sadly, that duckduck does not do voice recognition for searching.
I am sad and don’t know if I can adapt.
Again and again and again and again. I get more spam on my linkedin email address than I do on any other.
but every other thing
That’s pretty generous, I’d say 90% of their software has fatal vulnerabilities just waiting to be discovered.
https://i.imgur.com/daCuG8G.jpg Seriously. He lies, cheats, and dchanges the rules tro suit himself. Let that sink in.
A new dvd/blueray drive for a PC needs to have it’s region set the first time it encounters a region locked disk. I believe most can be reset a maximum of 5 times before it locks.
Build yourself a “Media Player PC” and set the region to US.
Or sail the high seas like they seem to want you force you to.
I’ve never given ANY platform accurate or correct information about me, and the information I DO give is salted to make it easy for me to trace where the leak/hack/whatever came from.
Why this is not taught in grade school is beyond me.
There isn’t a chance in hell I’m buying a car without a steering wheel.
Firefox is littered with bugs.
Links or it didn’t happen. Seriously, I have used FF and only FF for the last 15 years and have had zero showstoppers.
Link me some links that work in chrome and not firefox, I wanna see!
They aren’t “concerned about privacy”, they are “concerned about privacy for the same price”. And they are real cheapskates.
Firefox is free. And respects your privacy.
To say nothing of adblock plus on firefox being able to block ads even on youtube.
Oddly this is way more entertaining than reddt was on it’s best days.
And exactly who’s fault IS that drop, elrod?
The courts had BETTER fucking decide that he is personally liable to pay off the promises he made to the employees he forced or conned out.
Unless customers pitch in
Unless UNIONS pitch in
If you had a tech union it would need to contain a significant portion of 8% (26,000,000) of the US population.
Sounds like it’s time to start organizing the people that can actually do the work, as little as 10% of those people unionizing will improve the situation of EVERYONE that does tech work.
How does a contract union even work?
It works because a company far too transparently pretends that “contractors” aren’t employees. I also helps to prove to be BS when the “company being contracted to” sets the rules of employment and decides who is a suitable “contractor” and who is not.
It’s going to be hard to campaign from a New York state jail cell for the next 4 years. The DOJ may have rules about a sitting president but he was neither when he committed the crimes he has already been convicted of in NY state court.