Dolphins are the most classic example, having the blow hole.
Insects ‘breath’ through their ‘skin’
Dolphins are the most classic example, having the blow hole.
Insects ‘breath’ through their ‘skin’
Typical rambling argument against random shit nobody said.
You are the one using your limited time to jump to the defense of society’s lowest, most pathetic losers. Look up this guy’s business, he’s a fucking scam artist. Worcester would be significantly better off if they drove him out of town over his dumbass car.
You, yes you personally, should direct that energy into defending trans people and immigrants whose lives are actually threatened by violence instead of wasting it on wealthy people who are merely made “uncomfortable” by people telling them to fuck off lmao. You know, since you are the one who claims to be so bothered by hate and everything.
Or just continue to hallucinate and argue with yourself about the deep philosophical trimmings of whether or not anybody at all should be allowed to experience any form of pleasure if even one among us anywhere in the world is suffering. That’ll come in handy in the future I’m sure, especially if you keep bringing it up when nobody asked
I agree hate is a terrible thing. Tbh though it’s ridiculous to try and direct your empathy towards the richest most unaffected people getting flamed for engaging in their luxury hobbies while vulnerable minorities are increasingly being targeted by actual violence.
Maybe luxury car owners, high end computer enthusiasts, and adults larping as soldiers with their expensive little toy guns should wake the fuck up to the situation that is developing around them if they care so much about peace and love. Hope you see my point
It’s easy to “boycott” something you can’t afford
It’s even easier to cry like a baby about not being able to afford to drive a different car, when just the golden wrap on your luxury vehicle cost more than an entire normal car.
Nobody fucks with standard teslas lol. Even our wannabe pharaoh here is barely getting fucked with compared to the baseline Worcester experience
Wow! I saw the initial post before all the follow up images were posted, thanks for bringing this back to my attention
Seriously though, I’ll scroll for hours at a time. Some of my favorite online communities ever are here on lemmy. What we’re building here is awesome.
It’s not uncanny to the point of having a full community for every game, hobby, and random concept that’s ever crossed someones mind. But honestly after seeing the internet evolve over the years I’m kind of over the idea of trying to cram everything into one giant website. Fedi is particularly awesome for that of course, moreso than ever now with loops and pixelfed doing so well
Amazing how transphobes never even try to address this. It’s almost as if they’re acting in bad faith
Hey that’s an awesome story, thank you for posting. I’ve found I inherited a lot of bad habits as well, that I never thought about until confronted later in life. Always gotta be willing to make a positive change
If people chill and just let him do whatever he wants without challenging it it also sets bad precedent
I follow these things closely on my own time, as I assume is common for nearly everyone on lemmy.
But I saw coverage of Biden’s farewell address randomly at the gym. And also at a local restaurant. The media now is putting that word “oligarchy” in front of people’s eyes, as a summary of his speech. I would guess most people googling it are checking if “the oligarchy” is a country in the middle east or something
Well, to be fair, the painting ostensively offers a somewhat unique artistic value. There is a reward to go with the risk.
Red 3 is simply a way to make things red, which we have tons of other ways of doing that don’t have any known risks
I’d be curious about what the cost actually is?
Right so I mean—the cost of research and analysis and the entire process of determining the possible risks is money that simply must be spent either way, even on products that are ultimately deemed suitable for market. That’s the entire purpose of the FDA, to find these things out.
So we’re really just looking at the costs associated with the ban itself. Such as the labor hours of FDA employees setting it up? Communicating it to people? I agree with your concerns I’m just trying to get a sense of what we actually spent to arrive here
From reading about it, it’s really a risk/reward call. Red 3 has no nutritional or flavor-enhancing purpose. It’s just a decoration, so why take any risk, however small?
So this is already a known thing the tobacco companies use
They gradually make their cigarettes stronger, over the course of a couple years. During this time smokers will tend to stick with their habits instead of reducing the number of cigs they smoke. Thus, they gradually build higher tolerance.
Then, companies gradually reduce their nicotine levels, again over a couple years. During this time, smokers tend to increase their consumption to maintain the nicotine level they’re used to, because otherwise they start getting mild withdrawal symptoms.
Then, once they’ve formed a new habit of smoking more often, the cycle repeats, thus getting them used to ever higher and higher levels.
Notice it doesn’t really matter where the nicotine cap is placed. What we actually need is for the nicotine content to be listed on the box. Companies then wouldn’t be able to get away with reducing it because people would see that their cigarettes are weaker
Probably just a lot of bloatware. When I’ve been in this situation in the past, I did a completely fresh install of windows. Much smaller. Linux can free up even more space.
There really isn’t anything necessary from HP, but it also depends a lot on your comfort working with the computer so ymmv. I don’t know what’s gonna happen if 3 months down the line you need to call customer support for something. If it were me, I’d be thinking “worst case scenario I can just factory reset”, especially if I had everything important backed up somewhere.
No reason to hate neo nazis in your opinion? Very interesting
Thank you for proving me correct!
I have the same mac pictured above, and also a windows laptop with many ports.
The mac I plug into my work center via a single usb-c connection which charges it, connects it to my external monitor, and connects it to all of my USB equipment (about 6 items ranging from m&k to music equipment). Having only the one wire is huge in terms of making it easier to break down the machine from its setup and pack it up for the road.
The pc is connected separately to power as it can’t be powered through the usb-c, and to the monitor separately for some esoteric reason. So then I need a third cable to connect it to my equipment.
So in my case the less-is-more approach is actually preferable
that all being said
I’m sure other windows laptops can be configured with a one-wire solution just fine. And I don’t mean to pretend the 2x usb-c config was a popular choice or anything. Only on like two models or something had it. The newer macbooks brought back sd card slots and hdmi and everything by popular demand.
I looked into it and you can still run everything off of just one usb-c on those ones, so at the end of the day more options is just better for more people
Also fwiw most devices manage this automatically and you do not need to concern yourself with maintaining any given battery percentage
From their FAQ, emphasis mine:
So yeah, I’d say your take is pretty accurate. At least they’re honest lol