Typical rambling argument against random shit nobody said.
You are the one using your limited time to jump to the defense of society’s lowest, most pathetic losers. Look up this guy’s business, he’s a fucking scam artist. Worcester would be significantly better off if they drove him out of town over his dumbass car.
You, yes you personally, should direct that energy into defending trans people and immigrants whose lives are actually threatened by violence instead of wasting it on wealthy people who are merely made “uncomfortable” by people telling them to fuck off lmao. You know, since you are the one who claims to be so bothered by hate and everything.
Or just continue to hallucinate and argue with yourself about the deep philosophical trimmings of whether or not anybody at all should be allowed to experience any form of pleasure if even one among us anywhere in the world is suffering. That’ll come in handy in the future I’m sure, especially if you keep bringing it up when nobody asked
Dolphins are the most classic example, having the blow hole.
Insects ‘breath’ through their ‘skin’