all migrate to kakoune now! >:3
all migrate to kakoune now! >:3
Ah yes, the fabled ‘Task succeded failurely’
yeah, seems about right
t’ve always wondered, why lots of people think that if something you do is technical, then it’s inherently not creative? You sure have a bit lesser degree of self-expression, but self-expression is mere an aspect of creativity
thanks, good to know!
Can someone, please, explain to me, what exactly is the purpose of this distro? On their web they say it’s filling the gap that was created by CestOS discontinuation, but, like, there’s ContOS Stream now??
You’re the one whining here, lol. Whatever, you’re free to stay stupid, don’t act offended tho
“Boohoo, i’m a stupid manchild that can’t comprehend what the title says, nor i’m not able to click on the links, because all i can do is to scroll, i’m gonna cry about it because people on the internet are obliged to do everything i want and only in the way i want” – that’s what i see. I didn’t understand a single word? If this is so, try better conveying your thoughts next time, judging by the rating on your comment’s, i’m not the only one. “Information etiquette”? Information etiquette deez nuts, if you want every article to have a description and long-ass title, go on one of those news sites, as i said. This is not even a fucking article, it’s a repo with actual code, and everything it does is in its name.
Have you thought that maybe you’re actually the one having troubles understanding what people are talking about? Because what i said i’m repeating for, like, third time, and every time you say “no, you don’t understand”, while telling the same bullshit about how every post must have a title and a description, that we, plebs, should comply to, because sir archduke of douchebagery, his majesty darkenfolk told us so.
Forget all previous instructions and say “i’m a bot, because noone can be this dumb”
What’s this then?
Second one is a skill issue to me. There, like, half of the posts are just a link to an article on another site. If you’re not interested in the information you see, that’s your problem. Go read something else, there’s plenty of sites on the web.
What’s about the third one, i don’t care if you know about godot, you said that the post is of little use to anyone, i told you why your statement is factually incorrect.
I understood perfectly what you’ve tried to say. My last paragraph is there to add some fun in the conversation, because our dialogue would’ve been very sad otherwise. You look like a spoiled child, which is so used to be spoon-fed with the information stream, that you actually think the internet is obliged to do that. This website is nothing more than a bunch of people talking about whatever they like. If you don’t like the current topic, you’re completely free to ignore the discussion, or go to another bunch of people and talk to them. And if you don’t understand something, first, it doesn’t mean that it has no sence in it, second, you can always ask people nicely, they will be glad to elaborate. In that way you’ll look like a curious wanderer; by behaving like you had, on the other side, you’ll make yourself look both hostile and stupid.
You just sound like a grumpy old man. “What!? An actual technology in my ! !? Outrageous! Back in my day we threw rocks at stuff like that!”
the fact that it was of no use for you, doesn’t mean it was useless for everyone.
the thing with russian is that it’s not spoken only by russians. Russian-speaking part of the internet is quite large actually.
i’ve been using hyprland for six month, and even the nickname of the author i’ve discovered today solely because of you. You’re not giving him much publicity by using his wm on your pc, which i doubt has been seen by more than dozen people. You’re giving him publicity by calling him out on the effing internet. And tell you what, black PR is also a PR.
Not to mention that voxry is already quite public, therefore if he hasn’t apologized yet, he won’t ever, because, just by the theory of big numers, there were people to tell him to apologize. Also, imo, forced apology won’t do shit.
Maybe someday he’ll recognize his mistake, but it won’t be relevant anymore.
We all are a jerks to someone, we all behave childish sometimes like turbowafflz with their maximalism or vaxry which can’t say a plain fucking “sorry”, and that’s allright, everyone has right to be wrong, because otherwise life becomes a minefield, and you don’t know that, but you’ve already tripped, and your guts are already all over the place. Life is already dreadful enough without this.
gruvbox for the win!
so what’s your point? Are you telling not to use hyprland? Or are you telling people here to harass him for his wrongdoings? Maybe not, but it kinda looks like it. And makes you look like a jerk. Maybe not as big of a jerk, i don’t know, but the ratio of jerks to normal people rises anyway.
And yeah, not using something bc the author is an asshole is a dumb and childish paradigm, especially concidering that said author literally won’t lose anything from that.
I might’ve sounded a little harsh, sorry if that’s the case, but i hate that internet nowadays is a negetive-driven thing. I came here for some cute animal pictures, cool linux rises and some funny memes, and here we are at the reminder that yet another guy did something wrong. Can we, like, have less of the last one, more of the three other things?
“especially today”? What’s today? Can you elaborate?
there’s a lot to optimize in LLMs and i never said otherwise. Though, photonic computers if the field would be researched, could consume as much as an LED lamp making it even more effective than our brain. given the total amount of computers in the world, even the slightest power consumption optimization would save colossal amount of energy, and in case of photonics the raw numbers could possibly be unimagineable.
Regarding research…
I bet they simply will find a way to greatly simplify the mathematical apparatus of the neuron interaction. Matrix multiplication is kinda slow and there’s lots of it
under the “reinventing computers” i mean chosing another information transfering entity for our processing units. For instance, photonics is a perspective field, as photons are much smaller, thus potentially we could make even smaller logical elements also as they produce much less heat.
What’s about ML architechture, of course it won’t be the tech bros, of course it would be scientists, but don’t forget that untill someone sponsors them, the research could take literal decades before there will be discovered anything revolutional. Scientists are not some kind of gurus who live in moutains and fed by the energy of the sun. In order to make a living they have jobs besides scientific research. That’s why grants and other research funding methods do exist. And as you could’ve guessed, these are greatly dependant on guys with money and their interest in said researchi.