I personally use Obsidian, but I know that other have suggested logseq. Might be useful to have in your table. Also, Obsidian does have an Android app.
I personally use Obsidian, but I know that other have suggested logseq. Might be useful to have in your table. Also, Obsidian does have an Android app.
From the linked article
But VRT NWS said that 153 of the 1,000 recordings it listened to “were conversations that should never have been recorded and during which the command ‘OK Google’ was clearly not given.”
15% of the recordings these reporters listened to were “inadvertant.” I’d say that’s pretty high.
You seem to be operating under the assumption that Trump isn’t an over confident idiot with terrible ideas. Unfortunately for your narrative, he’s straight-up said that he wants to annex these places. So, Trump seriously believes that the USA can colonize Canada.
My vote is:
Best of both worlds
Ah, missed that
I’m in the same boat, but it is worth mentioning that the screen folds back on itself. It can be used as a tablet and has stylus support.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around fingerprinting, so excuse my ignorance. Doesn’t an installed plugin such as Canvas Blocker make you more uniquely identifiable? My reasoning is that very few people have this plugin relatively speaking.
I’ve been looking into Payload CMS. It’s FOSS for the non Enterprise features I believe.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s by design.
The person you’re replying to never even refuted the claim about China. Many people don’t know about the 13th amendment, so it’s actually relevant to the conversation. Your weirdly hostile reply isn’t relevant because it’s reductive and misplaced. If you truly cared about forced labor, you wouldn’t be trying to squash conversation about it.
Huh, I’m new to Lemmy so I was unaware of this guy before now. Definitely not down with homophobes. Even outside the moral implications of homophobia, its antithetical to the idea of open source software and privacy, which the lemmy.ml instance is all about.
I scrolled through a few weeks of his comment history and didn’t find anything (or missed it), but he posts quite a bit. I’ll be on the lookout now, though. If you have an example, feel free to DM.
I rejected the request because of the “Do not feed the troll” rule.
The majority of the people weren’t trolling in my eyes. They were upset because you said a game looked terrible without elaborating. You could have just kept that to yourself and said “not my cup of tea” but you ellicited a reaction, seemingly on purpose. And now you’re acting like the victim in the situation and doubling down. That, in my mind, is the definition of troll behavior. Which at least you admit I guess.
Troll or not, I can see this discussion is going nowhere. So I’m just gonna mute this and move on.
Definitely interested in trying this one out. Haven’t dove into the FOSS games category yet
The person you’re replying to was just making a comment that alludes to the fact that people who like this genre get addicted to other games. It was a light-hearted comment and you’re the one who got negative first. People asked you to elaborate on your negativity and you got defensive. Now you’re doubling down on that defensiveness. I get it. I’ve been there. But come on, man. I think everyone’s got the same interests in mind here.
Hadn’t heard of that one. Looks nice! Do you know if there is a built-in way (even if it’s through a plugin) to sync your content across devices? I didn’t see anything on their homepage about it.
Definitely feel ya there. I highly recommend Obsidian or Joplin. Not sure what features you’re looking for, but I’ve found Obsidian refreshingly simple. Aso nice knowing that it’s just markdown files on my device that can’t be sold as data.
I believe it’s even more bleak than that. My theory/prediction:
Once these companies manage to make game streaming a reality, my guess is that they will scale back their consumer GPU divisions without hesitation. The goal is for us to ultimately own nothing. Software is already leased to us (you don’t technically own the games in your steam or epic library). The end game is for hardware to be that way as well.Until then, we’re going to see most people priced out of consumer hardware.
If game streaming services become a reality (I’m talking about a situation where latency and data transfer are less of an issue), they will be positioned as a revolution in entertainment that deliver high-end gaming performance to the masses. As the technology matures, we will see multiple services take hold. It will be like Netflix/Hulu/prime/peacock/etc. but Blizzard/Steam/Epic/Ubisoft/etc. Essentially we will have to pay the equivalent of a new PC/Console price tag every year to rent hardware.
Ironically, what holds this back in today’s world is the greed and shitty infrastructure that’s offered by US ISPs.
I think this is a pretty obtuse take. Users obviously want their mouse to remain functional when the battery dies. It’s not a wireless vs wired mouse debate.
Yep, anyone who is celebrating this is shortsighted and letting their own nationalistic ideas and jingoism cloud their judgement.
Anyone who opposes mass surveillance should.