takes 2-3 min for me
takes 2-3 min for me
being against big corps is both a grassroots FOSS thing and an anticap thing. Also Socialism (step between capitalism and communism) requires “some sort of order” while communism needs as little or as much as FOSS does
you don’t have to defend the history of communism-aspiring countries to be in favor of communism ;)
if you dont like it, take your shit and leave :p
read into the difference between private property and personal property <3
there seems to be a problem either with your specific install or with the compatibility of fedora and your hardware. None of what you listed is expected normal behavior. Maybe try reinstalling fedora or another distro, best of luck :)
I prefer to call it TwiX ;) But ma dood, in a year no one will be left calling it Twitter, just the way things go.
I literally thought about switching to it yesterday -.-
Transportr if you want detailed departure and arrival times. OrganicMaps for Google Maps replacement, lets you choose to route as pedestrian, via car or public transport (but only shows you one option and no departure times).
I used Öffi before too, but Transportr supports more countries and looks nicer imo :)
annoying that only posts and comments count :/ I’m your classic lurker and up/downvoter
same here ;)
Thanks for the tip! I’ll make sure to do this where possible :)
preferably not too expensive (just a minimalist small printer/scanner that just works)
dont tell this guy how many people died in capitalism (capitalist wars, poverty, etc.)