The same was the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise grows so quickly - magic.
The same was the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise grows so quickly - magic.
One pattern I have noticed in suspicious accounts is in their name. Adjective-Noun-Number is the format I see controversial posts by accounts newly made. The posts they make usually generate a lot of outrage.
As others have said, It depends on what kind of programming you do. Some areas requite a lot. Others not so much. It’s logic, not math, that is needed the most.
You may want to check if your college has a different kind of programming degree. As I understand things, there are basically two kinds of programming degrees. “Computer Science” has much steeper math requirements and focuses on applications that deal with Science or engineering issues. “MIS (Management Information Systems)” degrees focus on actual programming that businesses need, not programs that are science or engineering focused.
Ahhhh!!! Thank you, good sir or madam!!
Ok, I believe and understand what you say, but then that makes the AP story a little stranger. If no foreign, independent reporters are allowed into Gaza, then how does the AP know that Abed Bardini “…unloaded the stretcher with practiced professionalism, squinting into the late afternoon sun…”
I’ve noticed one peculiar paragraph in the AP story: “Abed Bardini was in one of two ambulances dispatched to the scene. Back at the hospital, he unloaded the stretcher with practiced professionalism, squinting into the late afternoon sun as he wheeled the body across the hospital courtyard. Inside, medical staff pulled back the blanket to check for signs of life, and Bardini’s strength collapsed.”
So the AP reporter just happened to be standing right next to Abed Bardini, performing his duties with practiced professionalsim while squinting into the afternoon sun?
Probably both. Divert pressure off the front. Disrupt supply lines and infrastructure (roads, bridges and railroads). I’ve also heard mention that one axis of advance is towards a nuclear plant.
I’ve seen some keyboard warriors theorize that the Ukrainians intend to capture the plant as a bargaining chip in negotiations with Russian because Russia currently holds a Ukrainian nuclear power plant. My (wild ass) guess is that if they make it to the plant, they will just destroy its ability to generate power, then retreat.
I think the DEA is the only entity at the Federal level that cares about marijuana. Drug warriors are gonna drug war.
My father-in-law got a Master’s Degree in Computer Science 30 years ago. IIRC, it was heavy in C programming and involved typical CS fare like algorithms, pointers, sorting, data structures, etc. He was a high school math teacher at the time (he’s now retired). He took the classes mostly because he enjoyed learning.
I did ok during the Dos/Windows 95 era, but as time went on, he seemed less and less able to solve his own computer problems. He can’t even Google a problem effectively (or even remember to try to Google his problem).
Most recently, I had to hold his hand while he bought a new computer at Best Buy and then further hold his hand as he went through, step by step, the Windows 11 installation/first time start up process.
Ahh… I had forgotten your link from earlier. Yes, it is the one you posted.
I agree with you the shenanigans of the settlers… their constant ‘settling’ only aggravates things. It was explained to me that since only truces and cease-fires exist between Israel and Palestinians, there are no fixed borders, so the land is up for grabs. Once a peace treaty is signed and borders are established, then the settlers will be removed. I understand the reasoning, but I’m not so sure just how smart this strategy is.
Do you really think you can eliminate Hamas?
I don’t “think” anything. I’m just repeating what Israel has been saying since last October. I’m no expert in tunnels, tunneling or tunnel warfare, but I believe all of the tunnels are now mapped out and the vast majority of Hamas’ fighters are trapped underground, so I would presume it is a matter of will plus endurance if the IDF can achieve its goals, but even if the IDF does defeat the Hamas fighters in Gaza, the Hamas leadership lives outside Gaza (Qatar, i think), so the fight will probably go on, as long as Hamas’ leadership still exists.
“In fact the more innocent people you murder the more you secure the next round of recruits”. Israel tried to co-exist with Hamas in Gaza for close to 2 decades. The October attacks were the result. The vast majority of Israelis want revenge and are out for blood. They may be adopting the Roman strategy of “Let them hate us, so long as they fear us.”
I just read that a cease-fire resolution is making its way through the UN and that previously Hamas accepted the terms and Israel said it would. It has 3 stages, with the 1st stage involving the exchange of hostages for Hamas prisoners. I honestly think Israel will break the cease-fire after they get their hostages back.
It’s an easy prediction, but I predict more misery for Gaza in the coming years, no matter what options Hamas and Israel choose.
Yes, Israel rejected the deal because they want Hamas destroyed, either as an unconditional surrender by the remaining Hamas fighters or as some kind of ‘Alamo’ last stand by Hamas. If the IDF fails to make further progress, they may reconsider the deal.
Israel has the land it has as the result of coming out on top in previous wars. Israel won’t give up any land until a genuine peace deal is achieved, which isn’t likely anytime soon, since Hamas explicitly rejects any kind of peace deal with Israel, only cease - fires.
You are correct that many Gazans were children the last time elections were held in Gaza, but according to opinion polls taken shortly after the October 7th attack, about 70% of Palestinians (both in Gaza and the West Bank) support the attack on Israel and the taking of hostages. You reap what you sow.
I’m not justifying the murder of anyone. Hamas wants civilian casualties (involuntary martyrs) so as to elicit sympathy from the world.
Sadly, there will be future civilian casualties in Gaza in the coming weeks and months unless some drastically changes or Hamas surrenders.
Hamas could have just let the IDF and the rescued hostages go. Instead, they chose violence… with predictable results.
I’ve got Win 10 and it works fine. I have no reason to upgrade to Win 11. If any new ‘feature’ gets added to Win 10, I will disable it.
It does in my house.
This is what happens when one side refuses to come to the negotiating table
Say for the sake of argument, I am President of the NRA and I can persuade my members to agree with whatever comes out of negotiations and you are on the other side, seeking a ‘reasonable compromise’ on gun ownership and some ‘common sense’ gun control legislation.
What are you willing to compromise on? What are you willing to give up??
I’m coming back way late to this party but… I got this from the EPA’s website: https://www.epa.gov/planandbudget/budget – the EPA actually has had it’s budget decreased from the previous year several times since the year 2000. Although it hasn’t been cut since 2018. TIL.
When is the last time a government agency was eliminated or had its budget cut?
I’m much more upset about this pardon than Hunter’s pardon. This woman stole $53 million dollars over 20 years from tax payers. As far as I know, Hunter never stole anything from taxpayers.