Because Windows 11’s primary new feature is SOC level DRM.
Can you please what this means in idiot proof terms?
I wish I had never gotten rid of all my dvds
Thank you.
Can someone please explain to me how the first amendment argument is valid here? I read the article, and I still don’t get it.
So the REAL issue is how much it costs to remove the info vs how much value the info has? Such as the average Joe’s social security number vs a movie star’s social security number vs the president’s social security number.
As an American, I am super jealous!
Should have been a baby, since ai is still in its infancy.
Discord increases engagement, and social media uses that to make more money via increased advertising views.
So what’s a better quality option?
I don’t want to rob it; I want to turn it on its side, put it in a box, put a tiny tire boot on it.
I’m sure to eventually be replaced by even more invasive CoPilot. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/06/windows-11s-copilot-brings-ai-chat-to-desktops-in-first-public-preview/amp/
“some images, many depicting graphic scenes of violence, self-harm, murder, rape, necrophilia, child abuse, bestiality and incest.”
Yes, people should absolutely be paid more, but there is no amount of money that can shield a person from the trauma caused by seeing such images.
I think there should also be some hard core investigating into how the companies got such material.
“As a result, no one on Earth fully understands the inner workings of LLMs. Researchers are working to gain a better understanding, but this is a slow process that will take years—perhaps decades—to complete.”
Maybe I missed it in the article, but can someone please explain-like-i’m-5 how this is possible.
It’s not like we are interacting with a biologic with mysterious chemistry. Everything about LLMs are completely man-made.
After a big Firefox update last year, Chase kept telling me they wouldn’t allow acces via “outdated” web browsers, then redirected me to download another browser which included Firefox. This went on for several months until Chase finally updated themselves. During that time, if I wanted to access my account I had to use a different browser.
Yes, this was temporary, but another issue I have is Firefox on my Samsung phone. I am not tech savvy; I do my best to protect myself, but past the basic protections I am overwhelmed.
I would LOVE to use Firefox on my phone instead of Chrome, but every time I have tried, Firefox has been slow as fuck as compared to Chrome; slow enough to be practically unusable. I never found a solution and ended up going back to chrome while trying to adjust all my phone/browser settings to request as much respect and privacy as possible.
My list of blocked porn communities is more than double my list of subscribed communities; reblocking would be the biggest pill.
I was thinking this or “formerly known as twitter”, and if he changes it back ‘formerly known as “formerly known as twitter”’.
I don’t practice, but my partner does. So I keep an eye out for potential news and interesting stuff posted. I shared the recent fcc story with him; he might not have known about it otherwise.
Only thing surprising me is that it took so long to create.
Yrs ago this would have (foolishly) increased my trust in the companies, but I’ve long since learned that companies building a “coalition” doesn’t mean squat unless it’s actually utilized to create positive change.